Thursday, November 17, 2005

Long awaited posting

So, I've done the same thing and Matthew, and lost (once again) a lot of my readers for not doing anything here again. Ooops.

So here's a look at what's been going on as I take a break from my schedule and reflect. Last weekend was a ton of fun, and I wish I was still in winona a lot of the time. I got to see some of my friends, but not all. The next weekend promises to be exciting as well since I have my recital with the Carmina Quartet Sunday at 7:30 pm. Anyone who reads this, and can make it, should come. It's going to be a fun concert (why wouldn't it be?) and we've really worked our butts off to get to this point.

My tests this week have gone pretty well for the most part. I aced the Theory I final, which wasn't much of a surprise, but one shouldn't get too comfortable in a class either. My Conducting test, I have yet to take. We were supposed to take the test on monday, but due to problems with the camcorder, I get to take the test tomorrow instead.

I did come to an interesting realization the other day however. After my tests on monday (theory I and Municipal Hydraulics) I started to complain about them and my work load for the week and the rest of the semester. As I was saying this, I noticed that no one really cared, but that everyone felt that they were in same boat as me and that it was the same old news to them. I realized, that by complaining, all I was doing was preaching to the choir, and really, by complaining, I was becoming very selfish in thinking that I was the center of the universe. Of course this is true to some extent (*sarcasm*), but I think my point has been made. Anyone have any sort of disscussion on that? I hope to be able to post again today as I have several other things that I have discovered about myself this week that I feel the need to say so that I can finally stop thinking about them. *crosses fingers* here's hoping I can build the time in to do that!

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote-

First off, I hardly view 6 days as a potential loss of readership especially when compared with a month. ;-)

Self discovery huh? Can't wait to read about it.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I'm still reading, weirdo. And you can't be the center of the universe, because I am. Don't worry though; in my universe, you can complain all you want.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

well....self discovery is a bad way to put it actually. More like a realization I guess.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

So... What "realization?"

12:16 PM  

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