Saturday, October 16, 2004

ah whah?

whoa, its saturday, and it feels like sunday. dont mind it though.

life was little on the boring side yesterday...not bad i guess, keeps me sane every now and again. I did stop by my old high school since my brother called me at like 11:30 and asked me to come have lunch with him at 1:30. so i did. WOW, could i ever feel the oppressive force of administration upon me when i got there. I'd fotgotten what it was like to have profs care about where you were going and what you were doing. Man, i dont know how i did that for the first 12 yrs of my education. Th builing is starting to get really run down too. they just paint over stuff to make it look nice, but you can tell its still crap. everything so needs to be replaced. Of course all this requires $, which no one in winona will/can give to the school district right now. grrr.

I did see a crapload of people last night though. I hung out at Ebo's house from like 8-10:30ish. all i did was play mortal kombat (which i have not done in years) and watch some of Aladdin. at about that point Emily texted me and asked me to come hang out! YAY! I like Emmie, she's cool. :) She was definatley wound up last night which definatley made it more fun/interesting. Damn wal-mart and her not being able to find a teaching job. Oh and if anyone knows of places that she could apply to, let me know so i can tell her, 'cause she is so deserving of a full time teaching job. but anyway, next thing i know, its 1:30 and Emily is falling asleep, enter Otto's que to go home.

I get to see Ann this afternoon, that should definatley be cool, i havent seen her since mid-august (i think). My mom is totally infatuated with this girl. Example: Mom says, "I really like ann, otto," or "I think ann really likes you otto," or "You should date a girl like Ann, otto," or finally "Ann is a real steal otto." I really appreciate the very blut suggestions mother, but seriously now, she goes to school 4 hrs away from me. I tried a long distance relationship (though that one was longer at 6hrs distance) and it didnt work out in the end, but that relationship is whole other can of worms. However, I'm just waiting for mom to say, and i bet money on this one, "when are you gonna start dating ann so that you two can get married after college?" it's gonna happen just watch.

Finally, I'll get to see everyone else taht i was hoping to see this weekend tonight AT KERRY'S CAMPFIRE AT P.I. YAY! *hugs* sorry, i got carried away there. dont know what's gonna happen, maybe another moment of glory, lots o' jokes, laugh at jeff as he works again (hehe). see ya'll there.

and since Kerry's website address has fallen to the bottom of the page from my posts, here it is again:


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