Sunday, November 20, 2005 stop being mean

Hi Kerry, I'll stop being mean now :). I actually have a few moments now to type something whereas my last post I was just being goofy with the five minutes that I had. But what I was talking about earlier was actually about me filling my schedule, or overfilling my scehdule, and what that does to some people. It came about when the chair of the music department came up to me in the hallway and reminded me that I had told our secretary that I was going to help stuff envelopes for the department, but I had not even stopped in once. Now he wasn't mad, and neither was she, but somehow that's when I realized that I occassionally fill my schedule up too much, and when I do, someone always is left out there by themselves with no help. I know I'm probably making this sound more extreme than it really is, but I think to be a better person to Jane and everyone else I have accidentally done this to, I'll do my best to not do this again :).

In other news, I got a letter from my friend Megan Treloar the other day. I met her at Rocky Ridge this summer when I was a counselor. She's 16 and goes to school in Iowa City. This is the third letter that she's sent me, and I haven't sent one back to her yet. Let's just say that I felt bad for not writing back, and I made sure to send one back yesterday. Finally......

It's the Carmina Quartet Recital tonight at 7:30 pm! It's free as well, something that every poor college student can appreciate. Everyone who can make it should. It's never fun to play in front of an empty concert hall. Kris gets no exception to this rule. Darn weddings and no money keeping her from coming down :'(.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.


Blogger Smiley said...

I thought a bit about how I should comment on this post. Here's what I came up with:

*ducks under Kris's flying fist of doom*

Otto, I'm disappointed in you. You must have forgotten that you said you were going to come over last night to stuff my envelope.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Michael Robinson said...

First off, i really didnt need to read the other comment on Otto stuffing anyones "envelope"...

But anyway, HI OTTO! did you let your awesome hair grow back yet? I would come to your concert, but I kinda work non-stop. But feel free to pretend im there. Maybe get a crazy homeless person to fill in for me--we probably both make the same crazy noises and comments anyway.....

12:37 AM  

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