Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Wednesday is hump day

Hey peeps...sorry that i didnt post was a long busy day, that and the red sox won the ball game so i was happy.

So, what happened to me the last two days you might asK? well lots of stuff i might say. a crap-load of hw done and didnt get molested by phil, which is an amazing accomplishment some days. Oh! I asked Heather (a girl from 2 South in my res hall) if she's be interested in like say dinner and a movie this weekend and she so totally said yes! The world is restoring to its rightful order, newman scares people away and girls like me again. Compared to the wierd opposite that was occuring at the beginign of the school year, which was more than a little odd. *jumps like a little school girl* only problem that i can see with Heather is that when i talked to her roomate today, i was hoping to find Heather....well lets just say that the roomie said that she thought that Heather wasnt really looking for a boyfriend. Oh well, i'm still trying, no one can resist this sexy man machine right? I know phil can't, but thats phil, and he's a boy, not a girl. Otto only dates girls. they have an inny, not an outy.

oooo! ooooo!!! i just remembered! I dont have class until 3 pm tomorrow! YAY! thank god for my geotech prof going to baltimore with the ASCE officers for the weekend. I can sleep in until i cant sleep anymore, which could be a long time :). oh well, just plannin on watching the two ball games tonight while i do homework. hopefully heather will stop down and say hi and let me know what's up with her sched, i'll keep ya posted if anything cool happens. ps - i know something will....come on this is 120 hugunin's never boring here. trust me


ps - thanks mel for use of the compy. you are the hottest person i know!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well otto i wouldnt get to comfortable with the order of the universe. u never know, the world could turn up side down at any time and that charisma may yet return to me. at least i hope so for my sake.

crapfully yours

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So as i read this I could only think of one thing to say...shut up newman

with love,

12:03 PM  

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