Thursday, October 28, 2004

one last "wednesday" post

Well, its that time for beddy bye, and i wont let the bed bugs bite. One baseball curse ahs finally been lifted, Go Red Sox! Next year is so the Cubs year. If not, i'll cry forever :'-(. Oh yeah, i hung out with veronika tonight since we were both in a kinda "meh" mood. anyone know what i'm talking about? i'm sure ya'll do.

I so cant forget to see my advisor tomorrow though. so need to get my stupid PIN from him so i can register next week. at least i wont have to worry about if my classes are going to fill up before i register, no one else is gonna be crazy enough to take Adv. Enviro Eng, Hydrology, Solid and Haz. Waste, and Statistical Methods w/ Apps. (Math 403). yeah those are definatley all 400+ level classes. so my brain's going to cry next semester.....*sniffle*

goodnight, and thanks for listening :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck ur cubs,and the goat they road in on. they suck at life and do not deserve to win anything as long as this earth exists.

with much retardedness

9:38 AM  

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