Friday, October 22, 2004

Today was not my day

Yeah, i was not all there today. See i didnt have class until 3, and that was a lab that i had done already. I didnt have to think today and thats what my brain did. Example: I ran into the door in the music lounge that leads to the music lockers. yeah that was awesome as hell! i thought i'd hit the door handle, but no! I didnt! smack! hehe. At quartet practice, i was so not able to pay attention to what the group wanted to do. and the last thing i did today, my geotech lab group. had so many hilarious quotes that i had to share them with you:

"We have come to a conclusion: I suck. We are making progress." - Me

"I want another exam so that I can fail it." - Shepson1

"You've gotta go for at least a 3.7%...otherwise it isnt worth the effort." - Shepson1 in response that i should go for a 3% on my next geo exam

"Crank up the awesome!" - Me

"That should be a techno song." - Shepson1 in response

The other bonus from geotech group, we came up with scientific analysis of the awesome and suck levels in life!

so yeah, now i need to start working on the Heather situation. See, when i asked her to dinner and a movie friday, she didnt realize i was asking her out. Plus, and this made me laugh, i'm not the only guy with my eyes on her, just my luck. I know the guy who's also interested in her, and he's a cool guy, but as much as i like him, Heather is a girl (nuff said). Downside to me waiting to do anything, i aint gonna get a date with Heather (i'm not that stupid). I'm hoping that she gets back from her bickride soon so i can talk to her tonight and make my move. i'll let ya know what happens....pray for me!


Blogger Smiley said...

What is a bickride? Hee, hee.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

SO i can't spell. :) and anywho, we all know i'm the more gooder person.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Why don't you just stab the English major in the forehead? It would hurt me less than your horrid grammar.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

but thats what you want....i cant do that, it be nice and sympathetic

12:55 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


This is the sound of an English major jumping from the top of a very tall building.


The crumpled note in her cold, dead hand reads "BLAME OTTO AND HIS WRETCHED GRAMMAR."

1:15 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

At his press conference Otto stands at the podium and says:

"As many you may have already heard, an english major has jumped to her death. Unfortunately, it was her bed that she jumped off of, and not a tall building like the media would like you to believe. She was also known to be a crazed sycopath who was suicidal because she was not able to sweep me off my feet. I express my deepest condolences to her family and hope that they can accept who she was."

1:19 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

The headline of the next day's newspaper read, "English Major's Distraught Family Sues Otto for Damages." Apparently, it is NOT okay to defame someone after you trigger their suicide. The family did, of course, win the lawsuit (Otto's apology letter was rejected on grounds of unacceptable grammar: it said, "i reel sori an i hop u kin fergiv mi kuz i m stoopeed."), and Otto spent the rest of his life living in the parking lot of a trailer park; he couldn't even afford to rebuild after a tornado blew away his cardboard box.

12:49 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

and then i found $20

1:35 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Otto then tried to use the $20 to hire a gigolo. The gigolo showed up, but when he realized that Otto had only $20, he left. The gigolo took the $20 anyway. Otto was lonely and broke once again.

10:11 AM  

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