Sunday, January 09, 2005

27 days is too long

For those of you that haven't noticed for my MSN name: i have a countdown to my 21st b-day. And as my post title says, 27 days is too long. So thats about all I have for right now. Sorry.

Oh yeah, Sarah: call me soon so I can talk to you about going to chicago this summer. :)

Anyway, i'ma go out and do some sledding with the Phil.

Heart Otto


Blogger Smiley said...

Awww... Look how nicely the little boys play together. *Sigh* They grow up so fast.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

You know, I almost broke my ass while sledding one time... But for that to happen, you gotta have a stone wall at the bottom of the hill, and you have to not stop before you get to the wall (that would be too easy), then you have to go flying over the wall, and, while the sled shoots out from under you, you have to land ass-first in the street--and if you're lucky, there won't be any cars coming. Yeah. That's about it.

1:57 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Re. our previous conversation:

12:58 AM  

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