Saturday, January 08, 2005

Weekly Update

Hey everyone,

thought I'd give you a taste of what's going on during winterim here in platteville. For starters, each day save one, Phil and I have gone to the PAC, known to non-Platteville students as the Pioneer Activity Center, to play a few games of basketball to get in shape and get out of the room to delay certain bordem. Well, all week phil has been beating me. At first it was a horrible beating, but then i gradually got to being close games. Finally today I beat him! That was just awesome. See i usually i beat his butt really good, but i've been rusty all week and in very poor shape. The world is returning to order.

Each night this week phil and I have also gotten more and more bored. for example: Last night phil decided to take up about 2 hrs of our time be experimenting with his new digital camera's video function. so he made about a dozen or so videos where i'd be sitting on the futon bored as hell and he'd start asking me questions. Some were quite funny, others were just plain dumb.

The greatest accomplishment of the week thus far, in my mind at least, has been that phil informed me that the TV Services dept. on campus says that the biology dept is "dumb and stupid." I now have some more ammo when tourmenting v'ka since she is a biology major. hehe :)

I finally got ahold of doug and asked him about if he wanted to still join Matt and I on our now anual trip to see a Cubs game at Wrigley Field during the summer. Matt and I were going to get 4 tickets from my Uncle and ask some people to join us along the way, but Doug was the first person to tell us that he was interested in comming. The only other people who I can think of that have interest are Sarah and Ann. Ann recently told me that she wanted to come along, and Sarah told someone apparently late last year. I dont know if Sarah's interest was actually expressed or not. Either way I know it'll be a good time in Chicago again. :)

Lastly for tonight, I think i have figured out why i've become so fond of music from when I was in middle school and before (music before like halfway 1998 or so). That was just before my life got flipped upside down from my father's passing. I'm assuming that's why at least. I find that sorta odd, but comforting at the same time, what do ya'll think?

Heart Otto


Blogger Smiley said...

I thought you only touched Phil's butt when you were in your room. Did you guys come out of the closet?

I need you to send some of those videos to Kris.

I dunno about the music thing. I think music from any time before 2000 is just kind of nostalgic for me. *Cringes* Some of it is scary though, like the Macarena.

Speaking of the Macarena...
Click on this at your own risk.

5:47 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

Nah, phil and I dont have a closet to come out of. We're definatley straight, at least I am. Sometimes i wonder about him :).

6:30 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Then... What perxactly were you doing with Phil's butt, and was it consensual?

6:33 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

I was doing everything with his butt. Long walks on the beach. Homework. Exercise. You name it, his butt is there. :)

6:35 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

*Shudders involuntarily*


6:36 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I have to ask. I can't help myself.

Do you open beer bottles with his butt, too?
Doesn't it hurt?

6:37 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

no i dont open beer bottles with his butt because that's unsanitary. I'd assume that doing that would hurt though. I've never had that experience though.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Well, if that's your argument, isn't doing everything else with his butt unsanitary too?

6:41 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

nope, just that. I win. You can't argue and win against the messenger.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Okay, then... What about the messAnger?

6:42 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

No, I believe that was "Ease a lee a muse duh" or something.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


You can't post what I said as if you said it!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Otto said...


"No, I believe that was "Ease a lee a muse duh" or something." - Kerry K.

not that its the most inteligent form of speach anyway :)

6:46 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

You see, Otto, this is not ridiculous. If we were simply instant-messaging, there would be no witnesses to our stupidty. This way, we are immortalizing our stupid conversation.

Bow to the higher logic of the English major.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


More of the bad spelling!

6:47 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

the messenger cannot bow to your logic. I win by default because i am the most bestestering person thing guy in the planet place dude

6:48 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


Bestestering: Adjective. 1)Person who believes everyone is better than him. 2)Person who is either dumber than a box of rocks or not as smart as an English major.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Therefore, I win.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

sorry, my blog.....i win

6:55 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

No amount of "sorry" will make up for your bestesteringness. You will never beat me.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

Dont make me delete you!

on that note, i still win and I'm off to a friends house.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

You wouldn't do that. Besides, I have already transripted the whole thing. Happy bestestering at your friend's house.

Wait a minute... You have more than one friend?
Good for you Otto, good for you.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


Damned keyboard...

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha - here is a witness to your stupidity.

and, uh, yeah i would go to chicago with you!


8:06 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...


Otto is foiled again!

I heart Sarah!

11:26 PM  

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