Sunday, December 26, 2004

the christmas update

Well now that the relatives have all left, i can finally update.

Great christmas all around for me. On the 23rd, i got to hang with Emily, Kerry and Lee for a little bit and exchange some presents with them. Kerry and Lee split getting me a bartenders set of glasses. It contained: 4 7.5 oz martini glasses, 4 12 oz margarita glasses, 4 20 oz beer glasses/tublers, and 1 mixed drink recipe book! weeee. I think that's the present I like the most this year. Emily made me a fleece blanket that is really really warm, and as she said, "is perfect for snuggleing with a loved one." I think she was hitting on me ;).

On the 24th, I got to hang out the family and snack on some food through the day and go to church at 6. Before then though, my brother comes home from work and needs me to help him get mom a christmas present or else he's S.O.L. *sigh* so we go to wally world and lo' and behold, there's emily working! YAY! went to church, came back had dinner, blah blah, blah, went to bed.

CHRISTMAS! I wake up, and believe it or not, I didnt shoot my eye out! (christmas story joke) Opened presents, all of which I got some nice gifts that I will enjoy. In the afternoon Uncle Gary got here, we had dinner and opened the presents from him. We also decided that we should watch Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition. OMG! That sucker is sooooo long. 4.5 hrs or so. I knew I'd be there for a while, but Jesus.

And finally today I got up, dinked around and decided to go across the hiway and try my new hockey skates that my uncle gave me. I like them a lot, especially since we have a pond I can skate on. I did later on decide to just take the "chick magnet" aka the blazer and plow the pond instead of using a shovel to clear it. It was a lot quicker, but the ice was really making noises under me according to my mom. oh well, at least I got it done and it can re-freeze tonight. The ice is so solid right now anyway that it wont matter if it has a few cracks in it. Tonight I'm going to see The Polar Express with my mommy and hopefully eigher see emily or the guys tonight. I'd rather see emily since she is a girl, but I do need to see the guys anyway.

Talk to you later everyone....parting is such, sweet sorrow.

Heart Otto


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