Thursday, December 23, 2004

last minute stuff

Damn its cold outside! I've gotten used to it now that I've had to be outside in it off and on all day, but jesus christ! this morning i went out to move some snow around since the guy who is doing that for my mom didnt do a good job the first time, and I needed to move my car and alex's friend matt's car too. I should have put my car in the tin shed (for those of you that have seen my place, its the silver one that has two open ends) to get it out of the cold wind at least or maybe put it into the tractor shed, but there was no room in there last night. Well lets just say that I thought both cars were going to explode on me this morning when I went to start them. My car has a digital gage to tell you the engine temp and it read: -6 degrees F. ooo weeee thats awesome! thank god my car did start though, if i didnt have that sucker, i would be S.O.L.

Ok, so I went into winona eariler today to get a haircut and an eye appointment taken care of. Well, at the hair cut, i find out that the roots of my hair are way blonder than the tips...grrrrr. I was planning on re-dyeing my hair with henna again, but now i really want to. Before I was just putting it off since it took so much of my time. I DONT WANT TO BE BLONDE! oh that and I didnt actually have an eye appointment today like mom told me. I get there and they tell me that my appointment isnt until next week wednesday. Boo Hiss. I did get the screen on my celly telly fixed for free though. I like things that cost free.

Well, its been a while, but Kerry and I have decided that its time that we inform the world to our whereabouts in mexico again. We were headed to Tenochtitlan a month ago and the ruins were superb and made me very amazed as to how they were built. Right now we're settled down in Villahermosa...aka the place where i stood in the hotel balcony naked. Though I cant do that anymore since they just recently pased legislaton down here making it illegal to be nude in your own home. Kinda odd dont you think? I'm having a blast right now down here on the beach and I'm thinking about trying to surf for once in my life. I know that sounds dangerous and Kerry keeps telling me that, but i figure what the hell. I'm only young once right? These local girls are starting to hit on me a little too much though. I am flattered that they appreciate my extreme hottttttttttttness ( i hope i got 12 t's in there), but I know for a fact that Kerry does not like what they're doing. I just hope that they stop before she runs them over with a car or something, because she will do it. I've seen it before ;).

Well, i need to get Kerry's and Lee's presents wrapped before I pic up Kerry and meet Lee and Emily at the Great Hunan Restaurant at 6:30. Toodles people!

Heart Otto


Blogger Smiley said...

Otto, you make me laugh out loud... and then everyone else is like, what the hell are you laughing at, you rejard? LOL!

11:23 PM  

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