Tuesday, April 12, 2005

sitting in senior design lab

So i'm sitting here in the civil engineering senior deisgn lab "working" on my hydrology homework. actually it's more like i'm working on "procrastination 101."

So phil is the coolest. it is now official. This morning, he had the choice between 2 different umbrellas, one that worked and one that didnt. he chose to take the one that didnt work because the other one was supposedly too big and bulky. well, lets just say that it didnt work all that well. it was more like an awning than an umbrella. hehe. he was soaking by the time he got to class.

I also had to total blast in Solid/Haz waste today too *sarcastic laugh*. So i get there and Dr. Penn decides that he wants to have a pop quiz on what was discussed in class on thursday of last week. I wasnt there since I was with Benjamin in madison recruiting for the school. so I definatley got a solid 25% on that quiz. WOOT!

ok, time to get back to the homework.

heart Otto


Blogger Smiley said...

Procrastination 101?! Have I taught you nothing?! You should have passed Procrastination 415 by now! Lazy turd. On Monday, I read a four-hundred page book on which a paper was to be written, took the notes, did some research, drafted, proof-read, and revised my paper... all within twelve hours of the time it was due. What have YOU done lately? *tsk* What a slacker.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

well, i'm not as bad as you dear. If I'd procrastinate like you do, I'd be buried in engineering homework for the rest of my life. there would be no catching up for me.

11:51 PM  

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