Wednesday, April 19, 2006

title to be announced later

I figured that it would be nice of me to post what has happened with my job interviews for those of you that don't know and would like to hear about it from me, not through the grapevine.

My first interview went well. It was at 9 in Rochester at a firm called Braun Intertec. Basically I would spend my time doing geothechnical engineering work taking soil borings out in the field as well as getting concrete cylinders for testing in the lab. I would occasionally get to work with something called a nuclear density gage, a nifty little device that determines mositure content and unit density of the soil it is inserted into. The downside to it is that I would have to work there for 6 months in a co-op situation, and I don't want to backup graduation any further. I will have waited five years to get my degree and I may go on to grad school, but that's something altogether different.

The next place I interviewed at was also in Rochester, at Bonestroo and Associates. I didn't get an official offer from them, but they are going to get back to me within 10-14 days and let me know either way. I would mostly be doing surveying work with them, but I do have the option of working in winona on the pelzer st. project. That could be cool, and it would only be 3 months. YAY not backing up graduation.

The last interview was in LaCrosse at a different office of Braun Intertec. Here I would do mostly the same kind of work as in the previous office, but I might also get to do some environmental work and some general civil engineering work as well. Yet again, I get offered a 6 month co-op again if the decide they would like to hire me, which I hear about in a week. grrr...... So in the end, I only was offered one position for a time frame that I don't want.

All is not lost. I have a few other options, one in Rochester, one in Dubuque, on here in Platteville, and possibly one down near the Quad Cities that I found about today. I'll detail those in a later post.

In other news, I've had some frustration this week relating to my instrument. I have been "working" on a concerto for the concerto conpetition coming up in 3 weeks. I say "working" because I haven't practiced it in about 2.5 weeks because it reminds me of how much I don't like my high strings teacher and makes me angry to think about it. I decided that maybe I could play a sonata instead for the competition since I like the piece compared to the concerto right now, and I feel like I can play it better. Now, I really don't care if I win the competition, but I would like to have at least a snowball's chance in hell to do it and to also make myself look good by playing something that I'm good at, not something I feel unconfortable with. So I talked to Benjamin about it, and he told me flat out that wasn't possible because I then needed to play a different piece with the orchestra next year. Well, one of the winners this last year who's playing with UCO is doing an entirely different piece than what he won with, so I feel that his reasoning is mute. Benjamin won't budge however and so now I'm stuck playing a piece that I dont like at all. I'm really considering taking the sonata in and seeing if they'll let me play. If they say no, I'll just leave and not bother. god damn it.

well, on that wonderful note, I need to e-mail a resume and hope I get a job or something so I don't need to dumpster dive this summer.

Good night and Good luck,


Blogger Smiley said...


6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't like your high strings teacher? Why not!!?? What are you thinking???

9:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ha...I had a new post written when you made your comment, but blogger posting was disabled until this afternoon. So there!

2:43 PM  

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