Wednesday, May 24, 2006

weird not having classes

I just realized that it's wednesday already and I feel like I've done so much and so little at the same time. Work has really been interesting the past few days. I've done something different everyday, so I know that I'm not going to be bored at all this summer since I know the rest of this week and early next week pomises to be more of the same. I do laugh at some of the things that I did and blame them as rookie "mistakes," but that's all, especially the chucking a battery twice as heavy over a stream and then pumping over to do some work....very dumb. I'll have to post some picks of my work buddies sometime soon. I do enjoy the fact that I can work outside in the morning when it's cool and then come inside and work on some Excel spreadsheets in the afternoon, if I want to, to get out of the sun, and if I don't want to be inside, I can easily find some maintenance work to do with the runoff equipment.

I've also decided that it's not worth my effort anymore to try and clean a lot of the house on my own before the rest of the old housemates join me this next weekend to clean it. I'm just adding more stress that I don't want/need and with all the people that will be here to help, cleaning won't tak more than just a few hours if eveyone gets right to it. My only holdup for getting out of here though is that I'm waiting on Matt and Hillary to move out of their room. Once they do that, Tim can move upstairs, Nate can move to Tim's room and I can move into my new room. Sometimes I think that there's a little too much movement going on there than what's needed, but whatever. I don't need all the space of Matt and Hillary's room, so Nate's room will be just fine, and Nate and Time want to move so that they can get a change of scenery anyway. Everyone should be happy be the end of the weekend. Boy do I just want to move now though.

That's all for tonight folks. Now I'm off to do some wonderful things :D.

Good night, and good luck,


Blogger Anonymous said...

otto you rock!

12:55 AM  

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