Wednesday, August 02, 2006

weekend and such

This last weekend was a blast for me. Went to Chicago with Matt, Christine, and Kris to see a Cubs game and other events in Chicago. Friday Kris and I got there with plenty of time to spare, so we went and had dinner at a barbeque place in Glenn Ellyn, IL and then went to Park Ridge to see some of my relatives. Saturday we literally spent 1.5 hrs looking for an 'L' stop, but that's because we were stupid. After we found it, we ended up going down Michigan Ave and going to Navy Pier. There was a fireworks show out there at 9:30ish that was just amazing and I got Kris a teddy bear (one item off the 'checklist').

The rest of the week could be interesting for me for several reasons. First, I have a few things to catch up on at work, and my boss added a few new items to my list. Never fear though. Otto shall prevail over the list of work like he always does. In addition to that, I'm playing in a wedding with an abridged version of Carmina (Binga instead of Carmen) in Amery, WI on Saturday. This means my weekend is also full, but i get to ride in the van with everyone so I can at least have a conversation with someone if they're willing to do so. ooo! I get to make some money too!

Lastly, I got this off Kris' blog and decided that I wanted ot put my answers up as well. Here they are, and if you want to copy/paste as comment or put in your blog, feel free to do so.

Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Farmhand (Imperial Holsteins)
2. Midtown Foods (Meat Department)
3. Yaggy Colby Associates (Survey Crew Slave)
4. Research Assistant (Pioneer Farm)

Four places I have lived:
1. Rollingstone, MN
2. Winona, MN
3. Platteville, WI
4. Tuscon, AZ (Grandpa's House)

Four TV shows I watch:
1. 60 Minutes
2. Myth Busters
3. Modern Marvels
4. Sports (I'm a guy, I know)

Four places I've been on vacation:
1. Chicago
2. San Diego
3. Orlando
4. New York City

Four websites I visit daily:

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pizza
2. Apple Pie
3. Rib eye steak (mmmm)
4. Rasberries

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Winona
2. Rochester
3. San Diego
4. Wrigley Field

Be safe everyone!


Blogger Smiley said...

I, for the record, have not yet seen said teddy bear, but I have heard from reliable sources that it's at a "vomit" level of cute.

10:52 PM  

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