Sunday, June 18, 2006

Delayed Posting

I have had no real good excuse to not post on my blog lately other than I just haven't. I could cite work an other activities, but that would be lame. Things, however, have picked up a little bit at work for me. I've been able to get some cool things done with these water quality factsheets that I've been assigned to do, and my boss has given me some additional work with a stream bank erosion project too. I do have a funny story about some new work pal's that I've made, but first I'll show them to you.

So I had decided to visit my new friends one morning, shortly after they were born, and then I had to go do some more work related stuff. After I had made it half way across the yard, I heard the sound of a small calf making some sort of noise. I turned around, and to my surise, saw the bottom of my two friends above following me. Apparently animals like me that much or something.
In other news, Carmen came down this weekend, which was fun. I hadn't seen her in 4-5 weeks, basically since the school year ended, so it was a good way to catch up on things that Nate and I had been doing with her and go down to the Pint and The Ticket, this new place that we have discovered just around the corner from the Pint that is equally as nice, but less crowded. Carmen brought her new computer to show off to Nate and I, and it is really nice. Now all she needs are a few software programs and she's all set. We also ran down to Dubuque yesterday sot aht I could get some RAM to put into my laptop. I've been getting very tired with how long it takes for it to load some of the programs that I need to use for work and such, so I figured that would help the situation out at least a little bit. It does, but I couldn't the amount of RAM that I wanted to...:'(.
I'm also starting to really look forward to going back to winona next weekend. In addition to seeing Kris, which makes the trip worth it anyway, I get to see a lot of my old high school classmates that I haven't seen in a while. Fun times should be had by all!
I also think that Aniela and I have just added to our weekly bowling activity on tuesdays by now saying that we're going to go to Uno's for dinner! I like Uno's. They are my friends.
See you all on the flip side.


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