Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Voting Day!

Come on John Kerry! Win! 207-199 isnt winning!

sorry, i know i'm biased, but i cannot live in this country with Bush as President for another 4 years. I will die before that happens. oh well....its out of my hands. Too close to call...

Phil and I are moving along on the whole moving off campus dealy....We asked marcus to join us for a tour of a house on thursday at 5 pm....hopefully this one will work out for us. Phil and I do need to tell ryan that we arent going to live with him off campus anymore. We like the man, but we dont think that it would work out with him. If you knew him, you'd understand.

Sorry, no other important thoughts today.....i had too much class again so i'll talk to ya'll tomorrow.


Blogger Smiley said...

By off campus, do you mean Mexico? That's where I'm going for the next four years.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

i suppose i could go with you :)

11:12 PM  

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