Monday, June 06, 2005

It's Damn Hot

I've decided that i need to have a bubble of A/C around me when it gets this hot and humid. Work today sucked a lot. Not enough water, and out in the sun all day, which as you should know I'm very fair skinned.

So to update everyone as to what happened this weekend in my life. I got to platteville on friday and had to sign some paperwork at the bank since the quartet opened up a bank account. Then I got to move some of my stuff into my house. There were some things that i didnt like, but at the time, I didnt have time to deal or look at them since I needed to get some dinner and go to the wedding thingy so that our group knew how much time we were needed to play for.

A quick side note. I'm the coolest. When we went to get dinner, i forgot to take my car out of gear, so when I went out to start it after dinner it wouldnt start, and we took nate's van to the rehersal and came back for my car. Well, we thought it was something with the battery, not me being an idiot. ok, enough about that.

After the wedding thing, we went to doudna to practice and we practiced until 9:45ish. I then ran some errands since I needed shower curtain rings, since I had everything else. After I finally got that up, i had to bring my futon mattress over to sleep on and I'm so glad that Carmen was willing to help me. Then I was off to Newman's appartment to say hi to everyone and say a late "Happy Birthday Newman!" Phil showed up at 11:21 and thats when I went to bed since I was waking up at 3:45 the next morning.

Why you might ask? well, the quartet went to madison to play at the farmer's market and try to make some money. We did alright i'd say ($250+) :). we were all so freaking tired since we all got about 3 hrs of sleep that night. in the afternoon I helped phil move some stuff and then i went and played in a wedding. After dinner, we helped marcus move just some of his stuff over. I had gotten myself a 6-pack of Rolling Rock to have on saturday night, but everyone else got things to drink as well and we also went over to Mike's apartment for a little while and had a drink there. thank god he had the frozen margarita's. I was in the mood for a really cold drink. Well, there was a big storm that moved through platteville saturday when we were all drinking at my place, and marcus decided that everytime that he saw lightning, he needed to down a beer. He was pretty toasty in no time, and this was well after Jeri, his girfriend, had passed out in a recliner since she drank on an empty stomach. I told her it wasnt a good idea, but she wouldnt listen.

All that's left that's not about my house is that I helped marcus move some more stuff on sunday and came home.

Ok, now to the house. I really like it, obviously there are a few things that could be taken care of, but that's to be expected. Everyone needs to come and see me down there now, since i'll definately have more room to entertain. My room is small, but i can easily fit a full size bed in there, since most other beds are too small for me, and its actually just big enough to hold anything that i might have. The land a little nuts. two of the previous tenants still had keys, because they still had a bike in the basement. that didnt make us feel comfortable, but they turned them in this last weekend. The back and side door also have different keys than the front door, and she said that she wouldnt give us them, "because you'll lose them." there's also a screen door on the front which also has a lock, but no key at all, and can be locked and shut as someone leaves. We asked about that and she told us that we should just leave a door unlocked so that we can get in if that happens. I almost hit the ceiling on that one. why lock the doors if you're going to leave one unlocked?!?!? You might as well leave the doors open and put up signs that say "steal our stuff!" Besides that, the lady is a little cooky, but its worth dealing with because the house is so nice.

Are people going to winona bowl on thursday again? as of right now i'm free. Let me know asap....but i might have something come up. I'm also going up to Amory, WI for another fundraising concert. Hopefully we'll raise the rest of the money this weekend. according to my current count, we have approx $3,000 to raise. I still need to call up the local businesses that I sent letters to and find out if they're willing to donate anything. Every dollar helps. From what Nate's been telling us though is that we should be able to raise at least most of that money this weekend, if not more than that. I hope he's right, even though I could pay for the rest I owe myself.

Well, i need to get to sleep since I'm supposed to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow morning. :'( not cool

Heart Otto


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote-

It's quite cool here; we've had a lot of rain. In fact, it just rained 1/2" in about half-an-hour. Have fun in the heat. ;-)

10:53 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Kris wants to make Thursday night bowling a regular thing; she gets in some practice for league, the food is cheap, and the company can't be beat. Sounds good to me!

Hey, my landlady is crazy about the keys, too... She doesn't have any! To me, that seems dumber than keeping keys from you.

*thoughtful look* *feels cheeks* Hey! I think I got burnt today in the sun. Damned kids and their need to burn off energy outside...

It IS effing hot. Tomorrow's heat index here is supposed to be 105. Blech! I need an air conditioner so I can lock myself in my icy-cool house and never ever leave again--or at least not until the temperature drops below 80.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Michael Robinson said...

Hey Otto...nice job w/ your car.j/k...anywhoo, we have the a/c on full blast here, and still have alot of cold cold alcohol of many varities here, so if you feel compelled to come back and bless us with your presence, just come on down. Anyway, nice seein ya all,....TTYL

5:33 PM  

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