Sunday, August 07, 2005

just doing my thing...

So its sunday again. Time to start gearing up for another week of working outside and getting exhausted. At least I get paid good money and it's great job experience if I do end up going into the engineering field. If I'm going togo into the engineering field depends to be seen though. If all goes well, I would be playing professionally with Nate, Carmen, and Brice somewhere as a chamber group.

Speaking of the group. I went out last night in winona to the bars and Rachel, Ed's fiance, was talking to me about all the people that she knows up in the Eau Claire and Twin Cities area that are connected with the music business and asked if I wanted her to make the connection for me. I was surprised that she knew all these people, but not at the same time I guess. Rachel has always managed to surprise me from time to time with random tidbits of info that she just happens to know. So naturally I told her yes and gave her a few of our business cards that have contact information on them. We usually only give out cards for things like weddings, but we need to start expanding outwards from there. Rachel did mention that there was a women's choir in the cities that one of her contacts was in charge of, and that they were looking for a chamber group to play with them from time to time. That would definatley be a good place to start getting our name out in the Twin Cities area at least, and get paid at the same time. I just need to wait about a week for Rachel to get back to the Cities and talk to her contacts up there. I tried to get the point accross that even if they dont need the Carmina Quartet in the near future, to give me a call anyway so that we can start planning ahead now and not over book or anything along those lines. That, and it would be nice to have the contacts established up in the Cities sooner than later. Oh! I need to thank Ebo and Jeff. They gave me a start on what to do for designing a website for the group. Now we just need to find a web-domain, which I can find out since I have several friends that have made their own websites, and get to work on it. I'm hoping that we can get it all together before the end of the month.

In other news, Nate: I hope you're doing ok? I ask because i get the feeling from your blogs and when I've talked you as of late that something might be up. I dont know, maybe its me looking into things too much and that when you've been posting you've been tired and in a mood to sit and contemplate, which is cool and I dont want to be intrusive. I'm just trying to be a good little compadre. :D

Lastly for today (i think), I got an e-mail the other day from Jessica. she was one of the other counselors at rocky ridge music center. If anyone wants to see her pics from CO, here they are:

Have a great afternoon everyone! As my father would say, "its a great day to be making hay!"

Heart Otto


Blogger Unknown said...

Everything is cool man...just have been in a contemplative mood lately. I told you I should be going on a date any day now. :-) I would let you know if something was would probably be one of the first to know.

Peace out

5:17 PM  

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