Sunday, December 17, 2006

Pre-Finals Posting

So the semester is almost completely over, and I've managed to make it through alright. I should get around a 3.0 this semester, but that's ok by me since I have had one hell of a time these past two weeks keeping my sanity with everything being due, last minute exams, and concerts. I won't complain if I get better than a 3.0 for the semester, and now that I think about it, that may be possible. It really depends on how I do on my finals.

It's also official. Nate is no longer an undergraduate and has walked during commencement and everything! I'm very happy for him since he has worked his butt off to get here (I know, I live with him remember). The cool thing is that he won't be leaving forever since he's doing grad school here. I'll be able to see him regularly for one more semester before I leave. Yay! His commencement went very well in my opinion . It was a little over 1.5 hrs, but they said everything that should be said at a commencement, and nothing more. They in no way try to drag this ceremony out longer than it should be.

Nate's recital was today also. I would say that it went very well and everyone sounded great. Elaine has done a magnificant job playing first in Carmen's sted, even if some people who didn't know her though she wasn't going to do well. Boo to them. Nate managed to get a video of the concert that someone recorded that turned out alright. The video quality gets poor near the end, but you can still hear everything loud and clear. In my opinion that is a good thing. There were the usual minor intonation issues, but who doesn't have those from time to time. My only other real "problem" with our performance was actually something i didn't realize we were doing until after the performance. We had some good dynamic contrast in some places, but not all. The only way to have been able to see that would have been to record us and listen to it. We didn't have the time to do that though. All in all, I'd say that it was a 7-8 out of 10 performance, and I was beaming after it was done (I've only wanted to play this quartet for the last 5 years). High fives to the entire quartet!

I have a new desktop too....I like it a lot. :D:D:D

Finals schedule - Monday 3-5, Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 2-4, and Thursday from 10-12. I should be back sometime on Thursday evening, probably 5-6 pm. But it's time for bed, so I bid you all sweet dreams.

Good Night and Good Luck,
-Otto III


Blogger Smiley said...

Nice job posting.

3:54 PM  

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