Thursday, August 31, 2006


I personally liked this comment on CNotebook:

"Low equity is like having an elephant sit on your groin...
not only does it hurt like hell, but it hurts your credit score."

Now why don't they tell you that in high school during economics. Better yet, they should start teaching you that in elementary school. Why? Elementary kids are much more impressionable and will believe that if they have bad equity or credit, an elephant will sit on them. That would be more than enough motivation for people to not have bad credit. Future problem for many people solved. It's a shame that I cannot put a professional engineering stamp next to that claim just yet.

I'm heading up the MN State Fair tomorrow! Horray! It's been several years since I've been there, so I am hoping to have lots of fun and see everything that I've missed recently. Basically cheese curds, cows, more cheese curds, awesome kettle corn, cheese curds, and maybe more cheese curds. I fully expect that I shall have gained 10 pounds by the time I get back on friday evening, but I don't care! I had also thought that Mom, Alex, Kris, and I might go and see the 'Prairie Home Companion w/ Karrison' but as time goes along, I don't think that we will. We'll be up there at around 10-10:30 am and if we stay until the end of the show, we'll have spent 12 hours plus up there. That's a lot of time, that and Alex and Mom don't want to be there that late.

It's official. Carmen has decided to transfer to UW-Oshkosh this year in lieu that she will have a good professor compared to taking her chances at Platteville and risk getting stuck with someone crappy. At first I was a little surprised and hurt by er decison to start looking, but as I thought about it more, I realized that it was the best decision for her. She also did her 'homework' and looked around for a good program, took a lesson with the professor up there, and even tried to take one with the new prof down here. Unfortunatley, Platteville decided to give Carmen the finger and not give her any information about the teacher at all. Tell me: would you have stayed a school that did that to you or would you go somewhere where you know you're getting a good deal for your money and also getting prepared for grad school?

Little comments:
-gas has been going down. yay!
-school starts Tuesday. Boo!
-I like cheese curds.

Finally, back by popular demand: It's the blame game, comment who you want to blame for anything and after a certain ammount of time, yet to be dertermined of course, I will add up the scores and see who 'wins.' I don't know if winning is really a good thing in this game though.

Enjoy this beautiful weather!


Blogger Otto said...

I blame textbooks for sore backs during the school year.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame you for Kris's sore back--lack of back massages.

12:16 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame you for my constant need to say "Ooh baby, ooh baby," etc, etc.

12:17 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame you for the weird looks I get whenever I say, "You lose. Take off all your clothes."

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote:

You were at the Fair on Friday? Too bad, I was at the Fair on Saturday.

I blame you for that.

I blame elephants for my low equity score.

And I blame Smiley for the mental image of a naked crazy_red_head. Ick.


10:30 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame Matt for imagining Otto naked. I also blame Matt for certain conversations about being mortally wounded.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame Emily for my love of Chinese food.

9:50 PM  
Blogger K.Dingfelder said...

I blame Kerry for Steve Irwin's death!

8:22 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I blame Kris for the cold, wet weather.

I blame Emily for my pants being too long.

4:38 PM  

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