Sunday, November 07, 2004


yeah, that will be the most positive thing on here tonight. Sorry.

I'm in a downer mood tonight, and I dont know exactly why. Was it because I spent the last hour or so with veronika so that she wasnt in such a bad mood herself? I hope not, and it probably isnt. I'm assuming its that i have not had any decent social plans all weekend. grrr. It probably doesnt help that I'm wanting a girlfriend, but whenever I try to get one, something gets in the way. Nothing has happened with my becky interest yet, but i'm sure some bad karma will happen. I am counting on it. :( finally....I'm down because i have no time to myself tomorrow and relax. I have to be at the music building at 12-4 for quartet practice, then I go to the student center until 5 for SUFAC meetings, and then I have to call my friend adam and my mom. The only thing that I have planned tomorrow that I know i'll enjoy is when I call emily about how to get to the wedding in waterloo next weekend.

another note: I'm good with ryming when i've had a drink. for example, i may ask myself out loud, "Is this enough to take the pain away or do I need more today?" (hehe that one i find funny), or "I'm a poet while drinking, or I just say what I'm thinking."


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