Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Bartender

Well.....I suppose I have some time to post, so I'd better use it dont you think?

Whew, what a long week/weekend. Mon-Wed were just crazy for me. I seriously was busy from 8 am until 10 pm on each day. It was either Solid/Haz Waste, Adv. Enviro Engineering, or Hydrology that was keepin me so busy. Really, the only social activity that I had during those times was when I gave Tracie a call and when Belinda came over because she "had a bad day" and wanted to talk.

I dont know if Belinda likes me or not, I hope not since i dont like her in like that (I've got another girl I'm interested in, but I want to see who can guess it correctly :D) But she came over since I didnt have anything really going and since I'm a nice guy, I listened to her talk. She had made it sound like something interesting/juciy was going to be discussed. Alas, we talked about how's she's frustrated that she hasnt had a lot of luck with finding a boyfriend since the beginning of the school year. I laughed and reminded her that I haven't had a girl-friend since last April and that I'm surviving just fine. She was also trying to convince me that she's suffering from depression. I'm no doctor, but I can tell she doesnt have depression just from being around my brother and Carrie. I know what the symtoms look like, but I did tell her that she can com on over and talk to me if she needs someone to talk to and feel better, just call or come on over. I can do what I can. That's what nice guys do right?

Thursday was a nice change of pace for me. Two classes and one test to study for were all i had to do. It was also Lee's 23rd b-day so congrats to her *hugs*. Nate did call me thurs night though since he and Brice were on University Singers tour to say hi and make sure i wasnt crying my eyes out since he, brice, and carmen were out of platteville on choir tours.

Enter Friday and the weekend. So I didnt have a lot of homework to do from friday so I was pretty much free (YAY) al weekend. So Veronika and I went down to Dubuque at about 3 because I wanted to get myself a new shirt. I found one for three dollars, but what we found out before we even got in my car was not only was my RA going to be gone, but the RD was going to be gone as well. YAY! add this to the fact that phil and I were going to have a small group of people over for a few drinks, an you get a cool party that you know no RA is going to find. hehehe. So when I'm in Dubuque, I get two interesting phone calls. The first one is from phil, and he says, "Where are you? I have an itch to re-arrange the room." All I can say is, "just wait until I get back to move ANYTHING." Literally two minutes later, Marcus calls and asks where he can get dry vermouth to make martini's with at my gathering. I tell him that I've always seen that at dicks or spirits, but apparently they didnt have any, so I was asked to stop in Dubuque since I was there and find some. Well....i needed to go off the beaten path in dubuque to find a grocery store, but I found one and almost got hit by horrible Iowa drivers about 5 different times. Finally, i got back at about 8ish and phil and i dismantled the room and re-organized it on just 90 minutes. Quite literally before people started to show up.

My shindig on friday went quite well. I had been given money to extend the size of my bar and I think i succeeded quite well at this task. I now have a long list of things in my bar that i will list is so asked. Kerry, I really appreciate the cocktail shaker. It really came in handy all weekend. I ended up making my own shot this weekend: 1 part Malibu, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Triple Sec, 1 part OJ, 1 part Sour Mix. It was really good. I imagine is someone wanted the shot to be a little stronger, i would first use less sour mix instead of OJ, but i never tried that. There were, at most, 8-9 people in my room on friday, some came early and left early and others came late. I was up until 3 am on friday and it went quite well, so well in fact that phil and I decided that we were going to have something again on saturday night. you know it's a good party when jerry, Marcus' girlfriend wants to go to the bathroom and falls next to my fan while walking and decides that my fan is more important than going to the bathroom. she also decided that she needed to hug my fan.....I however didnt get drunk. I was only buzzing since I was, "The Bartender," (hence the name of this post) and since i needed to be able to mix drinks, i didnt drink too much at all. Saturday was more of the same. A lot of people came over and asked me to make some shots out of the "Big Bad Ass Book of Shots" book that v'ka bought or a drink out of the Bartender's Best Friend book that I bought on friday with v'ka down in Dubuque. Really the only difference between saturday and friday was that Eric, Phil and Marcus were asking me what I needed to have in a bar so that next year they can build me one to have in our house. :) I love my roomies, always willing to help my bar increase in size and build be a safe place for it. That's why i'm living with them.

Well, I suppose that I need to get going for dinner since I'm supposed to meet jon in Otts to work on a group project for solid and haz wastes. I'm hoping that we dont need to meet for that long.

Heart Otto


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