Sunday, February 06, 2005

Last night's "adventures"

So last night was my birthday (duh) . So I, like many college students, went downtown with some friends to bring in my birthday on a positive note. We first got to the Perfect Pint at about 10:45 or so. I had a fairly big following with me just on the walk, and about just as many showed up a little later. So at the Pint, I started with a vodka martini, and thats when some people bought me drinks. so in like the course of about 15 minutes, I downed two Jager Bombs, a Rolling Rock, and a shot of tequila. At that point, Marcus bought me a Long Island Iced Tea and I decided that I needed to drink that one more slowly. I finished that, and had a shot of Southern Comfort with Nate just before 12:30 as well as finishing my blue lemonade too. Oh! and before I forget, one of the bartender's there stopped to talk to me on her way out. i win :)

At this point we decide to go to OT's and get my birthday shot and see my friend Chuck who was bouncing that night. There I had the OT's b-day shot called "Stop and Go." It's three things that are either yellow, red or green. I dont what's in it actually. Now to have this shot, they put a bunch of straws into the shot glass and you need to use just those straws to drink them and you cannot touch the bar with any part of your body. So i finished that drink, which was not that great, and we went accross the street.

The next place that we ended up at was Fireside. So I went up to the bar and got another shot of So. Co. with Nate, at which point we also decide that I need to have my b-day shot there too. So the bartender gives me my birthday shot and Lindsay buys me a second one. So i'm walking around the bar just talking to people when Karla, a girl that used to live in my res-hall. Well she bought me a drink too, and I then decide that i need to slow down with a captain and coke. Well.....i didnt really drink it that slowly. it was about 1:30 and we decided to go across the street to Char Bar and get my shot there. The shot I had was 99 Banana's. After I put the shot glass back on the bar, i blacked out and the rest of the story from here is told to me. I do not remember it at all.

So I first want to mention what I do remember. At some point, i remember lying down on the sidewalk outside somewhere for about 2 seconds and sitting up on a couch for about 2 seconds as well. the next thing i remember is waking up in Carmen and Aniela's appartment on there couch at 9:30 am.

What I have been told that happened is that we as a group ended up going to about 4 more bars after I blacked out and ended the night at the bar called Players. Obviously I had a shot or two at each of those bars. outside of players I decided to lean against the wall, and that turned into sitting. Now, according to Nate, I was sitting there looking around when I fell to the side and smashed my head against the group really loudly. So, nate and aniela helped me up, but i preceeded to do it again. at least I dont have a mark on my forehead. At this point, we've decided that we're not going to walk back to the res-halls since they're about 15-20 minutes away and go to Carmen and Aniela's place since it was only 2 blocks away instead. So on the way, i was more or less being dragged to there house and being so loud that I was waking a lot of people up on the way. Nate assumed this because every house that we walked by, a light would turn on :D. once at there house though, they got me on the couch and i was lying down. they got me to drink so water, but when I sat up, I guess I thought it would be smart to lean my head back and smash it into the window frame. and finally i decided to throw up (prolly the smartest thing at that point) and collapse on the couch. I guess at about 3, nicole called my cell phone with phil's phone to see when I was comming back. Carmen at this point was already smashed and decided that someone needed to get my cell phone. Now, my phone was in my pants pocket, and Carmen is a very attractive girl. Why couldnt i have been awake when she was digging in my pants?!?! gah! oh well, so that was a summary of the night everyone! i hope you all found it quite fun like i did.


Blogger Smiley said...

In the words of the Almighty Tooba:

Otto, you are the coolest,
and everybody wants to be like you.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

Thanks huney. I try to please everyone!

9:50 PM  

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