Tuesday, February 22, 2005


So......Here's a theoretical question for ya'll: Girls - You're going on a first date, what kind of flower would you possible hope to get when your date arrives? Guys - What kind of flower would you get your date to (hopefully) make a great first impression?

I've been been offered by phil giving a tulip, and ann has suggested giving a gardenia. I like both ideas, and i'm leaning towards the gardenia, but i'd like suggestions.

So besides the obvious fact that I've been giddy about my date on saturday all week, I've been crazy busy. I've been doing homework almost non-stop from about 9 am today, when my frist class ended. I've been studying for a test tomorrow mostly and I think I'll do just fine. I also found out that Benjamin wants me to give tours of campus in a few weeks when we have the Wisconsin Youth Symphony visiting us and playing in a concert on the evening of the 15th of march. Now, I'm totally able to do it, but he definatley needs to find at least one more tour guide because I cannot give a tour to 100-120 people. I'm a good guide, but no one will be able to hear me and its too hard to handle that many people. I'm hoping he cuts it down to 20-30 people per guide. That's what's been done for pioneer preview days here when I was a tour guide, but this is benjamin, and he is stuborn.

Lastly: a Get Well Soon goes out to Nate. he's suffering from a fever/cold/flu and needs a good dont be sick hug. *hugs*

Heart Otto


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first inclination would be to find her favourite colour and get her a rose of that colour. A rose could easily be too bold a statement, or rather, communicating too much a commitment for a first date - sorta along the princiiples of like the whole buying a girlfriend a diamond necklace for a one month anniversary or something. It could kinda put an unfair obligation upon the recipient to commit further than she might otherwise.

So, that being said, if there are flowers that are her favourite colour, that are good looking and romantic, get her those.

Better yet! if you can discreetly find out her favourite flower, this would be a HUGE bonus in your favour. Perhaps subtely bring it up in conversation, mention flowers of somesort, and see if you can maneauver her to tell you without actually asking "what is your favourite flower?" Discreetness and subtlelty can work WONDERS. There is a chance that Tracie would be greatly impressed that you remembered her favourite flowers from what *seemed* like, to her, just a passing comment (but to you was really the goal of directing the conversation that way, so you'd naturally WRITE IT DOWN SO YOU DONT FORGET). Another way to get this precious information is to ask one of her good friends. This would give you the potential of impressing her with your impeciible "hunch" (ie: "you got me a carnation! they're my favourite! how did you know?!" "oh, I had a..uh... feeling you'd like carnations and decided to run with it." It may look deceptive, but trust me, it is not because really all that happened was that your feeling was validated by the friend. You can just choose to negate this information. And I'm sure if even the scoop that you got the trivia from a friend, she may be still impressed that you wanted to impress her and took the effort to find out what her favourite flower was. People, I have noted, love to discover that you care enough about them to try and make sure things are as perfect as you can.

Wow. this turned out to be as massive as my ego. ;) I'll let you get back to life now, and I hope that it has given you some help. I'd definetly say "favourite flower" would be the way to go, *all* the way.

<3s you manies!

10:27 PM  
Blogger Shep said...

Don't get her a flower. Get her a potatoe. I mean think about it... Flowers are real pretty, but they only last for a short time and then we throw them away. Getting her flowers is like saying "I'll love you as long as your pretty. If you start to wilt... out you go."

But Potatoes man... they last for bloody ever!! And they are so useful! You can eat them, they go good with just about everything, you can use them as ammo in a potatoe gun... heck you can even use them as a battery! And if you leave them alone for a while, they even grow stuff!! Giving a girl a pototoe is like saying, "I love you no matter what. Even if you get ugly and wrinkly, I'll always love you."

Yeah.. Potatoe is definately the way to go.

Maybe this is why I'm having trouble finding a dame eh?

12:03 AM  
Blogger justrelac said...

dandelions... i'd love to see the reaction

12:18 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...


Good idea, Bri, but it didn't work. She reads the blog, so when I asked her what her fav flower was, she knew what was up. Oops.

The potato idea is hilarious, though. Yes, that's potato, not potatoe, unless you're Dan Quayle. But, you'd have to explain all of that to her. *scratches head* Actually, Otto, you really should give her the potato. It's off the wall, but so funny that she'd love it, even if she reads this ahead of time.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

And, if you or Shep can put all that into a poem, bonus points for you.

2:02 AM  
Blogger Shep said...

Ode Et Potatoe

I give you this Potatoe my dear,
To remind you when you are near,
That Though your looks may fade
as a Flower for which is often paid,
That I'll love you anyway.

Flowers are beautiful and sweet,
and are ever quite so neat.
But they wilt before long and Die,
And don't reflect very well how I,
That I'll love you anyway.

Now Potatoes are a much better gift!
Their uses are many and swift!
Whether as a food, or a battery,
They can demonstrate easily,
That I'll love you anyway.

Potatoes don't wilt or fade away,
As easily as flowers these days.
Even when wrinkled and old are good,
And show how to expect you should,
That I'll love you anyway.

~Dan Quayle

1:33 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

Thanks Shep....Love the poem, dont I dont think I could have come up with a better one myself :D

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote:

I like the whole rose thing, because if I were in your situation I would get one long stem rose (not red - unless that's her favorite color rose) b/c that's my style.

The best is finding out the favorite flower thing. Heck, even if you have to ask directly, at least she knows you care enough to find out the right flower.

Sorry this is a later post than I originally intended.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Crazy red head guy in love,
Give the girl a bunch of wild flowers.....she says she loves 'em. By the way, don't do anything stupid on the first date, she's an awesome girl......if u do anything stupid....grrr...i'll kill you!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Stupid anonymous postings...
Room mate?
Brother or sister?

4:52 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Ah, it was Sarmila. And, she shamelessly posted in front of Tracie. Anywho, no details yet, but the two redheads were together until 3AM!

1:57 PM  

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