Monday, August 08, 2005

Start of another week...

Well, today was rather boring for the most part. I got up and worked for 10+ hours in the hot blazing sun and humidity. I swear for the life of me that god has a funny sense of humor. I might just need to move to Alaska or someplace like that so that I dont have to worry about heat ever again. I've heard it's quite nice up there and the northern lights is something that I have not seen in a while. I like this idea. It's becomeing like "I win." hehe.

So Nate informed me on his blog that he went out on a date with two girls last night. You'd better watch out Nate, next thing you know, bam! you might be dating one of them. Oh wait, that's what you want. My bad. I know most people would feel jealous, but you have to remember there Mr. Nathan, I was the one who got a letter from Sarah Bins that contained a very nicely drawn picture from a coloring book for me. Oh! and that she did that was so cute you said you wanted to puke because of it. I win! Either way, I think that you and I are doing a rather good job with our female prospects at the moment. Let's hope that what I want comes true and you find yourself a good girl too.

Speaking of good girls, or lack thereof: Mike, I'm so sorry that Jill is doing this to you. You are so much better than this. Just do what I said in my comment and move on.

Anyone have any suggestions for where I can find the best place/way to start our own web-domain for the quartet? I was doing some research yesterday afternoon and found some great places, but I don't know if I should keep looking further into them or not. Basically the best places I looked were and I just don't want to go through a place like geocities and have a bad server name. I've looked and is available. Nate, you have any ideas? Let me know in between loads of hay.

Finally, I got sick of saying "heart" before I sign off of my blog, so I'm going to change it to something that hopefully has a little bit more charm and maturity to it.

That's the news from Rollingstone, thanks for reading.

Otto III


Blogger Michael Robinson said...

How about "And thats how the cookie crumbles" for a closing statement? I think its from that Jim Carrey movie where hes a newsman....And thanks for the advice. I know i dont deserve to be put through this, but I love her so much. ((((sighs)))) I hate being alone, yet at the same time i think thats what i need. And jill just said to me that she wants to date jamie to see if im really "the one for her"...i think that makes some sence, but IDK... :o( This might be easier if I knew there was another woman out there for me

11:38 PM  

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