Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Turkey Day!

Well....since it is actuallu thanksgiving now, Happy turkey day everyone!

I've had a fun day thanks to all the groupies ehre in winona. Sorry to those that I didnt get to see tonight since I was in winona, and they were in Rollingstone. Yes I mnow, I'm from Rollingstone so being there would be "easier," but that means I'd have to ditch Emily, Kerry, Karl, and Tracie, of all of whom, minus Emily, I have seen about negative two times this semester. Soo, I'll see Jeff, Rory, Sean, Lee, Ebo and all the rest of them on friday or saturday night. Dont know about saturday though. I definatley have what you call family plans in the Twin Cities until like 7, aka I wont be back until 9 pm and I'm supposed to hang out with Ann Coron, you know, the girl that my mom wants me to hook up with even though it wouldnt work due to distance constraints? Whatever, I'll figure it out. Goodnight everyone! eat lots.

and since Shepson1 might find this memory more than a bit funny, here's an equation that I came up with while doing a Fluids homework assignment:

P = (I Hate You)/(Get Shot in the Face)

Now there is no derivation for that formula yet, but i'm working on it. It basically sums up all the anger towards that class on given days of the week, and depending on the homework load.

Heart, Otto


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