Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Last Day 'o Classes

YAY! the semester end is finally here. Now I get to study my butt off forever to take just 4 tests by next tuesday night, one of which i dont even have to take to get a C in the class. Thats awesome. I found this on melissa's away message today, and I find it funny. Its about girls and finals, and well.....i'll let it do the rest.

*you'd rather get an easy one.
*you get in a lot of trouble if you get caught cheating on one.
*if you are drunk when you do one, it takes a lot longer to finish.
*the less they have on them the better.
*they suck and/or blow.
*when you finish one, you have to immediately start preparing for the next one.
*if you have more than one scheduled at the same time, you have a problem.
*you have to put in a lot of effort for very little reward.
*nothing about them makes any fucking sense.
*they just lie there and you have to do all the work.
*when you are done you get up and leave.
*good curves make for a more enjoyable experience

Hehehehehehe. I laugh everytime i read it. I love you melissa. Another note from the last day of classes: in order to have all the materials that I will need for my thermo dynamics test tomorrow at 5 pm, I had to photo-copy, not 1, not 2, but 48 pages! forty-fricken eight!!! See this test is either open book or open note, which ever we decide to take into the test with us, but we cant have both. This professor, whom is also a giant dumb-tard, says that its ok for us to photocopy whatever we want out of the book and bring in and call it as part of our notes. I asked him what i should bring in and he said, "the tables from the back of the book." He wouldnt tell me anymore specifically than that. GRRR. so thats why i had to photo copy that many pages. *shakes fist*

I'm also finding it very funny that I havent seen any of my quartet members in 2 days (yes only 2) and i'm missing them terribly. Why is that? I know I only saw them everyday of the week for at least one hour. and sometimes it wasnt to practice, it was to consume that substance that we call beer/rum/tequilla/etc. Carmen and I were talking on the phone for a minute that winter break's going to be kinda hard without seeing them. I guess that tells me that going to Colorado this summer with them was the right choice.

Finally, Phil and I didnt ge tto go to Dubuque like i wanted to. He and I decided that we'll just gon on Saturday after I get done with my 8-10 am final and make a day/afternoon of it down there. So those of you expecting a christmas present sooner than that will just have to wait then wont you? But i g2g now peeps, Nate, V'ka and I among others are going to go to the student center for pizza tonight.


Blogger Smiley said...

Finals on a Saturday? That's sacrilegious! Everyone I know has had finals on Saturday, some even on Sunday. You all went to the wrong schools. I don't even have finals on Fridays. Monday-Thursday, every year, no exceptions. All I have to say is, it sucks to be you guys.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Otto said...

Yeah, saturday finals, let alone ones at 8 am are bad, but i didnt go to the wrong school ;). It's always good to be a little to the left anyways right Kerry?

8:21 PM  

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