Saturday, December 04, 2004

whoa, a saturday afternoon post?

In case V'ka, Melissa , or Newman care to know....Mike is in Paris now. At least that's what he's telling me at the moment. Apparently all the people there want to get a picture taken with him cause they think he's Jonny Depp or something? I dont know. They're crazy.

I have a holiday gala concert tonight, meaning I get to wear my santa hat again! YAY! Last time I wore it, I became famous all over campus. Case point: My pic with the santa hat from last year has been on the school website almost all week allowing for random people i dont know come up to me and ask about it. That and all the "Carmina Quartet" posters all over campus are getting me plenty of attention too, and we know how much Otto loves attention ;).

Last night was a blast! V'ka, Mel, Nick, Elaine, and I went to Dubuque to eat and do a little shopping since i havent done any for christmas yet. When we got back V, M, and I started to have a few drinks. It was all good. Nate came over after a bit, so did his roomate Josh and my friend Ryan stopped in for a bit too. we only have 8 "silver bullets" left. How sad :(. Oh well....Nate and I are going to remedy that by getting a 12 pack of Rolling Rock tonight, or at least something along the same lines of quality. But I'd better get going, I've got go be at the CFA soon for the gala, and I'm getting a ride with Nate down there. I'd better get ready.

Heart Otto


Blogger Smiley said...

So, for us non-Platteville people,
where is this picture?

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor otto, they took down his picture from the uwp site. oh well. i guess the site just couldn't handle that much otto. it took all the attention off the other important things that may have been on the same page. too much hotto for one site.



2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah...almost forgot to say i'm sorry for being my obnoxious self on the trip to dubuque. i know you said i'm never alowed to shop with you again but you know you'll just feel like something is missing if i'm not there. you have to admit that at least some of the things i picked out for your mom was funny.



2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OTTO IS HOTTO, that is all

9:43 PM  

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