Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Guess Who's Back?

That's right I'm back everyone! I was gone for so long, i cried without being able to post. What a weekend.

Friday, I was supposed to go and see the movie Saw with v'ka but she got a headache, so i just watched some tv, played some cards with friends, and drank some beer and tequilla. oh so good. Jose is my amigo. That Rollin' Rock was awesome too. Thanks to Frank!

The wedding on sat was ok too. I obviously didnt know anyone there since i dont go to school at waverly, so i felt a little out of place. I went there for emmie though, and I did have fun. The DJ didnt play bad songs, but they werent really songs that I wanted to dance to either. I started to warm up after i stole emmies beer at one point, but I also got a few good punches for that one too. :) Go me. That night was fun, i got to drink some miller lite for free. What bothered me though was that one of the people living there had there younger brother and his friend over (15 and 14 respectively) and she was giving them a shitload of beer. Now that's a little dumb dont you think? i did, but it isnt my house so i didnt say anything.

Sunday...what did i do? oh yeah thats right! watched the fricken 6-queens lose to the peckers. whateva. at least I was the only guy on the wing so no one could give me crap at all. How about them badgers on saturday though. 49-14! YES!

Today was so crazy go nuts busy it aint even funny. If you dont believe me, try going from class at 8 am to not getting back until 8:15 pm. yeah, thats a long day. oh well, at least i have a test to study for on wednesday, wait, what?!? damn homework. V'ka came down to see me tonight. it was a little annoying to me when she came down and hit me on the face. she didnt hit me hard (it prolly doesnt even count as hitting me), but it would've been nice to not have had that been the way to say "hi." A I bitching too much? i dont think so. I am sorta getting tired of people putting me down a lot here lately. I think i'd better tell them that. I have no problem with people occasionally putting me down in good fun, but its getting to be a little too habitual. I know i sorta ask for it by acting stupid a lot, but i also do that so that i dont make people feel stupid themselves. I could easily just do homework and talk about all this stuff that I do in my engineering classes that no one else would understand and hate me for bringing up and going over there heads. I dont think thats a crime to be nice to people and not make them feel stupid. Besides, i need to act a little crazy to keep my sanity up with my engineering class load. I just would like a little bit more respect than i've been getting, that and you know, I'd also like something like, "hey otto, good job man," a hug, or something along those lines. you know, something supportive for once, and not comming from my mom.

And finally...the Mexico Update!
Kerry and I made it to the heart of Mexico today, MEXICO CITY! its kinda nice here, wouldnt want to be here for long though. I got to shake hands with mexico's presidente Mr. Fox. That was awesome. We're going to take off for Baja California tomorrow as far as I'm aware. Is that ok Kerry? and before I forget, Kerry made me promise that i needed to ask for opinions as to where else in mexico, or south america for that matter, that we should go. I had to promise or else she wouldnt show me a new trick that she came up to do while we were having "fun" last night ;). dirty dirty us.

heart otto

ps - here's princess leia in text @-_-@ (hehe, i'm such a dork)

good night everyone!


Blogger Smiley said...

Hey Otto, good job man!


(not from your mother)

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know we love you otto.
you and phil are the only reason i come to huginin which should make you feel special or something. and if you think about it, you only have half the school year left to put up with the rest of the huginin people befor you get to move up in housing.


11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Platteville home to thousands of gay men and one cooder.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm confused... are you really in mexico or are you just pretending. anyways, you should go to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point). its on the gulf of california side of mexico. i've been there three times and i can't wait to go again. its pretty americanized though because its only 4.5 hrs from phoenix. you gotta go to manny's (huge bar on the beach) and you have to go shopping downtown. -jennie

7:44 PM  

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