Thursday, March 03, 2005

where is everyone?

I'm sitting here in the civil engineering computer lab, which is usually busy at this time and there is only 3 others and I here! What happened to everyone? did they realize that I was so cool that they couldnt hang around me all the time since they dont want to make me look bad or what?

In other news...the musical started last night without a problem. in case you didnt know, I'm playing in the pit orchestra for Oklahoma. Carmne and Luke did an excellent job as the main roles last night, which is what I'd expect out of them. The pit played very well too for the most part, we occasionally missed a few notes, but not too many or any that were noticable. at least we have five more performances to go through before the show ends to get it 100% correct. :D

OH! Benjamin got pulled over yesterday for going 40 mph on the sidewalk of campus at 10:00 pm! WTF? why was he driving on the sidewalk in the first place and secondly, why at 40? was there any need for that? the thing taht gets me is that he somehow got out of the ticket! what the hell did he do? I'm not even sure i want to know. could be bad. If I had been in his place, my ass would have been shipped downtown and thrown into a corner as I was being beaten until sun-up. sheesh what that man gets away with.

Not much else to say today yet really....i've just done homework all day, and I plan on doing it all afternoon. :'( hopefully i'll be ahead of the game for once then maybe....maybe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote:

The real question I think should be on all our minds is: How did Benjamin get PULLED OVER while driving on the sidewalk?

Wasn't he already over? He can't pull over any more!

3:21 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

I heart you, Matt. You've always had a talent for focusing on the real issues.

9:38 PM  

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