Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Cradle Robber and stuff...

Since Kerry is itching to know how the red-headed date when on saturday night, here it goes:

Before I stopped by Tracie's apartment at 4:40 pm, i picked up some flowers, a book, and a nice potato. We talked for a bit and then decided after about 10 min or so that we were going to go to Applebee's for dinner in LaCrosse. It was good, I got the Fiesta Lime Chicken. It was pretty good. Tracie got something with chicken in it too, i just dont know what the heck it was called. At dinner i learned about how all of her friends decided to be nice and start calling her a cradle robber, and that she must have gone to the playground to find me since she's a year and a half older. I thought it was funny since i've never gone out with a girl that's been younger than I. So after dinner we went to the WSU men's basketball game at 8 against Crookston. good game. the halftime show was hilarious. afterwards we went to brothers to see if anything was happening downtown, and not a thing was, so we went back to her apartment. we were there for about 3 min when one of her friends calls and asks if we want to join them at a party somewhere. So we go and get there at like 10:45ish or so. That was a fun time. i met a bunch of her friends and they were awesome. Nezzy gave me her stamp of approval too, which was sweet. We went back to her place at like 2ish or so and watch some tv until about 2:35 or so when she was falling asleep and I decided that I should prolly go then. Good bye hug and kiss later, I go and crash at ed and emily's house for the night ('cept i cant fall asleep for like an hour because i'm glowing so much).

That's my end of the story at least, i dont know if she wants to throw in her two cents in a comment here or just what, but you're more than welcome to traice. :D

on another note: How many people in winona didnt have power this morning? I woke up and everything was just dark as hell, i didnt have the slightest clue as to what was going on. Apparently there wasnt any power at Wal-mart either since emily apparently called just when the power came back on this morning while she was at work.

My car is now technically illegal to drive now too. one of the headlights is out now, in addition to the right turn signal that didnt work in the front either. now i have no excus to not get it fixed....grrr. damn it.

anyone want to write my essay for wednesday for me? i'm definatley lacking motivation to get it done.

Heart Otto


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otto's Essay For Wednesday"Hello. My name is Otto, and this is my essay for Wednesday. Really, I do not know what the topic is supposed to be about, so I will write about orange juice. Orange juice has many uses, of which are included, drinking, sipping, adding immense amounts of alchol and getting drunk off of, and the occasional - and quite agreeable - Orange Juice Fight.

Now, to discusss drinking orange juice seems obvious and rather needless, but since I need to fulfill the rather vague word count, I'll do it anyway. Orange juice's primary use is for drinking the citrusy goodness. It tastes of oranges and juiciness. Thus the name of orange juice, especially considering the primary ingredient, is, naturally, the juice of oranges.

One would argue that the difference between sipping and drinking is too minute to warrant a noticeable situation, but I, Otto Dingfelder III, disagree greatly. Drinking is done for the primary purpose of consuming the orange juice and its delicious nutrients. But sipping is a social activity. You sip the juice to make it last as long as it possibly can, and while doing this, giving you ample time for social activities, such as talking, flirting, and the occasional making-outtage. Sipping is done less for the consumpition and more for the enjoyment of the taste of the beverage and the time. Thus, sipping is socially based.

As is adding copius amounts of alcohol to orange juice. There is a certain school of thought that would argue that one could add copius amounts alcohol to ANYTHING, including a perosnal favourite, more alcohol. But there is a certain nobility to adding it to the juices of our favourite orange orb. Indeed, a great drink that can be enjoyed by all, and by adult legally, is created with such a heavenly combination. Clearly, orange juice is king.

Orange Juice Fights are truly a rare occurance, but ones that are so memorable that those involved will never forget the fun. Basically, orange juice fights occur when one party decides to either lob a carton or glass of orange juice at another party. Often times the glass is not thrown with the juice, but when it is, a truly memorable Orange Juice Fight may just be in the brewing (oooh, don't you dig the reference to alcohol? That creates a subtle unity that looks great in essays!). It is important to note that these fights are often caused by the above mentioned use of orange juice: mixing extremely large amounts of alcohol into.

In very true conclusion, it would be safe to conclude that orange juice is awesome. Also, it is very true that I, Otto George Dingfelder III, did indeed write this Essay For Wednesday, and that I rock the world. Thank you. The end.

oooooh hot date! go Otto! ^_^


12:00 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

I would also like to conclude that oranges are also a great treat to eat if you're not in the mood for just juice. Navel oranges especially. Sometimes, if you put one in a cold glass of orange juice, nothing could be better.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear you had fun on your date! Go Otto, you rock! Oh yeah, and if you want me to fix your car...give me a call.

-Your on call auto mechanic/violinist

12:09 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

"because i'm glowing so much"

Awww, how cute.

Good job, Hotto.

1:40 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Hotto-- I didn't have power at my house, Tracie didn't have power at her apt., McDon's West and Main were out, as was Walmart, Taco Bob's, and Blockbuster in the mall. Thus, judging by the distance between those places, I think I can pretty safely say that a whole heckuva lot of the city lost power.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Smiley said...

Awwwww! I always kinda hoped you would change that "I don't know what I'm going to put here other than that I like cheese" bit, but now that it's gone, I kinda miss it. Oh, well. And, anyway, if you keep giving Tracie potatoes, maybe you won't be single for very long.

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm in the library with about 15 minutes to kill before class so I thought I'd make my first post on here.

Otto pretty much covered everything about Saturday night. It was a lot of fun! :) Here are a few random thoughts:

-my roomies are really jealous that they don't have guys giving them beautiful flowers

-Nezi told me this afternoon that besides the stamp of approval, Otto gets two thumbs up

-Shep - I love your potato idea - pure genius!

I have a fun story about Winona's power outage. I went to work at Taco John's at 11:30 Sunday morning and they weren't open because only certain things there had power (that was weird). About 10 minutes after I got there, the power went out completely and we were told that it wouldn't come back on for a few hours so my boss sent everybody home except me and Laura because we were scheduled to work until 4:00. He told us to do cleaning projects until the power came back on and then he left. So Laura and I were there in the dark cleaning random things until the power came on at about 12:45. Then we had to get all of the food cooked before we could open the store and we were finally able to open to customers at about 2:00. I think that's the weirdest day of work I've ever had.

Anyway, that's all for now. Time for TV Production class. Yay!

5:42 PM  

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