Sunday, August 14, 2005

another weekend update

Its been a fun weekend for me, at least for the most part. Friday was a little sad for me since it was my father's birthday, he would have been 57. I did get to see my best friend from high school, Matthew, on saturday and was able to spend most of the day with him. We mostly just got the old gang from H.S. back together and just bumed around winona. Believe it or not, that was a lot of fun and something that I didnt realize I had missed. Dont get me wrong, I love platteville and the people there, especially Carmen, Nate, Brice, and Sarah, but there's something to be said for walking down the street's of your old hometown with some old friends drinking a soda pop that you bought at the same place you all used to go to when you were younger. Maybe a little nostalgia every now and again is a great thing. I think so.

I also got a chuckle when I saw what my mother was doing on friday night. I came home from work and turned on my computer and saw that mother had placed an article from the Winona Daily News right next to the compy. Well, I read the article, which was on Dr. Burress, a dermatologist here in Winona that also plays the clarinet in the winona municipal band. The headline read, "Doctor by day, Musician by night." Basically my mom is telling me that's what she thinks I should be doing instead of adding my music major, be an engineer by day and a musician by night. I love my mother, but I'm going to just have to sit down with her soon that I expected and talk to her about all this music major business. I've been waiting to talk to her about it until after my grandpa and his wife dorothy leave to go back to tuscon on wednesday. I get the feeling that mom thinks that I might be making a decision where I will not allow myself to be financially stable when I graduate, but I think she forget's that I'm not an idiot, even though I may act like it sometime ;). I'm not going to make a decision that will put my in perpetual debt, or not allow me to reach my full potential. I could very well end up being an engineer by day and musicianby night, but I want to give my self the option of being more than that, because I feel that the quartet and I have the possibility to be more than that. I'll find out if I can convince her of the same thing.

That's the new's from Rollingstone. Thanks for reading.

Otto III


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