Tuesday, August 09, 2005

who Carmen is....

well....I just found out that lee does not know who Carmen is, or why she is my "wife." Here's the story for lee and anyone else who might not know.

Carmen is the first violinist in the Carmina Quartet, the one I'm in ;). She is quite smart, and as you can tell from the pic on Kerry's Website, she is equally attractive (my mom saw that pic and asked why she and I aren't dating!). I've known her for the better part of 3.5 years and been very close friends with her for the past year and a half. In CO, Carmen and I were on a hike with all the campers and counselors, it was mandatory. Well, one of my campers was in the slower group with Carmen, and I was off trail blazing ahead of the pack with Elia and Nate, when Nick (the camper) asked Carmen if her and I were involved. A few nights earlier Carmen and I had our night off and went to the Aspen Lodge for a drink and as a way to get away, but Nick thought that meant we were making out, or having hot sex i guess.

So to add to the story, Carmen and I were in town the following wednesday and she wanted to go get a watch and get away from the campers. I went along to keep her company and give her a second opinion on watches. Well, after she had picked one out, I mentioned, since it was 8:30 and we had not eaten yet, that I was hungry and she should hurry up and check out really quick. At this point the woman behind the counter says, "there's the husband saying he's hungry again!" ta dah! we're now married, not just going out.

The following monday, July 4, I was on a hike and realized that I had forgotten to pack a towel for the swimming pool, and decided to call the music camp and ask someone to tell Carmen to bring me a towel. Barb then answers, "ok Otto, I'll go tell your wife." That night Carmen and I were going to get some junk food to eat while the fireworks were going on, and the man put our totals together, at which we told him we were paying separatley. He then said that we were going dutch that night. Finally, or at least the next most improtant event in our "marriage," was when Rictor, our lesson teacher, asked Carmen in her following lesson, if Carmen and I were, "friends, or more than friends."

So there, I hope that clears things up for a lot of people, especially Lee.

That's the news from Rollingstone. Thanks for reading.
Otto III


Blogger Michael Robinson said...

For everyone out there - Carmen will flurt with you if you have double stuff oreos, but nothing more...all you will end up with is a boosted ego and a shortage of everyones favorite cookie.....worth it? DEFINATELY lol...shes actually really nice, so you dont necessarily need the oreos...its just motivation for her to put up with my crazyness that much longer....hehe

10:49 PM  
Blogger Smiley said...

So, if Carmen flirts freely, and Otto is a flirting machine, then I wonder why anyone would think they were married. It's not as if they would ever get touchy-feely in public.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

touchy feely? nah, that's being us...hehe, and yes...Carmen does like Double stuff Oreos.

3:27 PM  

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