Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Almost thursday

Hey there everyone! I know I haven't posted in a few days, but the internet here wasn't working right and I just didnt have the time to fix it until 10 min ago.

Things are going well for me here in winona area. I'm well on my way to having another 52 hour work week again, but at the same time i've spent a lot of money getting things that I need for school, supplies, shoes, bedspreads, and so on and so forth. I still havent gotten everything that I need. For example, I really need to get some music to work on for this semester and I also need to get some new strings for my instrument. Oh yes, and I also need to get the desk and dresser for my room in Platteville. There are tons of other things that I need to do before I go back to school, but I will spare everyone the trouble of listing them off. Whew!

Matthew is comming down again this weekend to hang out, and this time he's bringing his girlfriend, Christene too. I'm really excited to meet her and get to know her a little bit since she has been Matthew's gf for almost 6 months now. On the significant other note, I takled to Sarah tonight. She's still a little "hung over" from the removal of all 4 of her wisdom teeth, but overall, I think she's comming through better than most, considering how small she is. I still dont know if she's even interested in me for more than just being friends and that was a little concerning after I got off the phone, but I just told myself to not get too worked up over it. After all, I've been working a lot and so has she, and because of it, we both may not have a ton of things that are interesting to talk about. Does this seem like a good idea?

Well, I'm off to bed. If anyone has a suggestion of music that I should/could possibly look at this fall please comment and let me know. I would like them to be serious however, as I am out of ideas for pieces to play.

That's the news from Rollingstone. Thanks for reading.

Otto III


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A CNote:

Otto, your spelling of "Christine" is still wackily a little off. :-)

As for Sarah, don't sweat it, if she is still a little "hung over" from the surgery than she just may not have been in the mood to talk. Summer's weird for everyone, the school year will straighten everything out. :-)

2:08 PM  

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