Thursday, September 08, 2005

Needed Updates...

Hey everyone...I know its been a week since I've last posted, but a lack of internet until yesterady and no time to post will do that to you. So where should I start? Bah, that's too hard to think of, I'll jsut start as far back as I can easily remember.

This past weekend I re-formatted my HD on the lappy and now my computer is really running great! I didnt realize what I was missing, but now I think I'll be doing this more often. I also helped Sarah move in a little bit on sunday. I didnt actually get to move anything in since by the time Nate and I got there to help, her folks had moved everything, so we just helped get everything set up that she wanted help with. Labor Day wasnt too special either. I just hung out with the guys here at the house and tried to do as little as possible so that I would be excited for classes to start tuesaday.

Speaking of classes, I'm really enjoying them. I have Basic Conducting, Theory/Arural Skills I, World rythm Rudiments, Engingeering Econ, Bodywork for musicians, and Municipal Hydraulics. Some will obviously be harder than others, but I really like the material that each class will be covering. If you couldnt tell, or I didnt tell you, I added a music major this fall. My mother doesnt exactly like the way I'm going about getting it. She thinks I should finish the engineering major first and then continue on for my music. Well, thats fine and dandy, but doing that will actually add more time and money to my schooling than needed if I finish them at the same time, so I'm going to do that instead. I just hope that she doesnt try to complain my ear off.

I also talked to Sarah about possibly dating yesterday too. I was going to wait, but I was reminded that she has this blog address and that I should maybe talk to her sooner than I was planning on since she knew what my intentions were (a fact I already was aware of, but was nice to be reminded of none the less). didnt go as I had planned, or hoped for, so I am still very single. At least she still wants to be friends with me, which is something I'm really happy about. I am, however, still hurt by this whole thing, but I respect her decision and feelings and hope that our friendship lasts a long time. I'll do my best to get over her, but no guarentees anytime soon though. I do need to ask her if she can hang out with the gang this weekend since I asked her if she'd like to come over and watch a movie with us.

Finally, the quartet is going to Madison this saturday morning to play on state st. at the farmers market. We hope that we can make some money like we did earlier this year, Carmen especially needs it.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
Otto III


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry to hear about the whole Sarah thing. But if I know you, nothing can keep you down for long.

Good luck on the classes. Though what, may I ask is Bodywork for Musicians? Is that maintenance of your instrument or body toning for your muscles? ;-)

Oh, and I finally got a blog. Don't know if it will interest, but if you want to check it out you can here:

11:23 AM  
Blogger Otto said...

Bodywork for Musicians is a class focused on Alexander Technique, and other such methods (ie yoga), to help relax us, relieve tension in while playing/singing, and to get us more in tune with what our body does in everyday use.

6:29 PM  

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