Friday, January 21, 2005

I'm back

After going out to more than just the perfect pint (fireside and players was where we also ended up going). I need to get some sleep. It's like 2:30 am now. Goodnight :)

Heart Otto

Thursday, January 20, 2005

long time, no post

Hey everyone! sorry about not posting in over a week. The semester started and you know how that goes. Busy, busy, busy.

Let's see, what has happened that would be of important notice to you all......well, not much really. I went to waverly ed's b-day. quite funny. I've never seen any of my friends from winona that i graduated with drink before and ed made it really worth it :). i should go back there this semester too, i had a lot of fun.

Sunday i had a group of people (12-13) come on over and had a party of sorts. We had some Guiness, High life, Coor's Light, and some Captain Morgan that evening as we listened to music and just hung out. I got to hang with the quartet, something i havent done in a while and wanted to do. Overall, I'd say it was a success. Popcorn was scattered all over the floor and Jasmine needed to crash on the futon since she drank too much, but thankfully did need to do involuntarily remove some of it from her system.

The only thing that has really happened during the week was that my good friend here Nate broke up with his girlfriend on sunday. I've been making sure that he doesnt start to feel sorry for himself all the time since that's not going to lead to anything good at all. tonight actually, he and I are going with a group to the Perfect Pint (and they do serve a perfect pint if I do say so myself). He needs to, "get out and look at chicks so i dont feel so bad." Good job Nate. He also got me to say i'd be willing to participate in the Jesus Christ Superstar pit orchestra. Should be fun, but I have to give up the next few weekends to do it. I shouldnt complain though. I didnt have anything else to do really.

Speaking of the next few weekends, I now know for sure what my b-day schedule will be like. So those that would like to do some celebrating with me pay attention: I will be in Platteville for my actual b-day. I have to play in Jesus Christ that evening anyway, but i'll get out to the bars when I gtet back, which should be at 10:30ish. any one who whould like to join me here, let me know and I can tell you when and where to meet me :). it'll be great fun. I'll be back in winona the following weekend. As of right now, it does not matter to me which day I see everyone (and more than likely go out). If it workds for more people to see me friday, so be it. The same goes for saturday. I would like any/everyone to let me know what works best so I can make sure my mom doesnt make any plans for me that would conflict. oh and Matt, would you want to come over to winona if it works in you schedule? that would be totally cool.

I'll be sure to keep you posted on my Sam situation here to folks, I'm hoping that she get's back early enough saturday so that her and I can go out ;). I asked earlier this week and it all depends on when she gets back from Tomah on saturday. *crosses fingers* here's hopin.

Heart Otto