Thursday, May 11, 2006

Finals are almost here!

YAY for almost done with the semester! I must say it has been a fun one. I don't want to spend a lot of time on a post tonight so I will make a bulleted list of what's been going on yadda yadda yadda...

-Quartet Recital and Symphonietta concert. Both went very well I feel, especially the quartet recital. My mother didn't want Kris to come and visit for some reason that I can't understand, so unfortunately she wasn't here. I'll have to ask my mom about it.

- I accepted a job down here doing some research out on the Pioneer Farm involving stormwater runoff from farmfields. It doesn't pay as much as some other jobs, but its here in P-vegas where I have a house, and I can work on most evenings and weekends to make up the difference.

-I found out that my lease here ends on May 28, not the 31st like I had thought. I now need to get on the people I am moving in for and get them to move out earlier so I don't have to worry about living anywhere for a few days.

- Lastly, I don't have to take the Hist and Lit I final because I have gotten A's on everything! HA to those who said it was the hardest class I'd ever take!

Good Night, and Good Luck,