Saturday, October 29, 2005

I got mail!

So yesterday I got an unexpected, non-solicitation letter from Matt. Thanks dude. Letters are always a great treat. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a nice big check in there for me, but Matt doesnt make that much money yet. I'll have to wait a few years. :D

In other news, I hate balancing the checkbook. There's always more money going out than going in. Not a good thing. I have enough money to make it through no problem, but it would be nice to change this path of losing money.

That's the news from P-Vegas.
Otto III

Friday, October 28, 2005

a quick post

well....not much that I want to say right now other than i wish Kris could've been down here tonight. I had some fun at the bars, but it wasnt the same without her. I dont know why. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun with everyone that I met downtown, but somehow that would've topped the entire evening off. Do I have it really bad for Kris? Probably. All I know is that she usually likes to go out dancing, and tonight would've been the night for her. *hugs Kris* I hope you can feel better soon dear.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
Otto III