Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I should have been born in...

You should have grown up during the eighties

A very different decade for very different people. You like to challenge the norms, and try to be original at all costs. Plus the music was definitely cool. Go Retro Night.

Take this quiz at

That's all...
Otto III

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pics from the weekend and other stuff

Things have been going well for me....I have two big tests tomorrow though. :'( Once I get past them, things should get better, but I need to start working on a big project for my Municipal Hydraulics class as well. Seesh. Whenever I feel like I've caught up, something new comes up and destroys that plan. Oh well, keeps me out of trouble right?

In other news, I get to go Chicago this weekend! YAY! There's a family Bat-mitfah (sp?) this weekend, and there always great fun to be had, I'll try to take a few pics to show everyone so that you can see what this one's like. The family that's doing it is very well off, so it should be very ritzy. :) I do get to see Kris on friday though! *jumps like a school girl* I'm really looking forward to it, if the jumping didn't give it away. We're going to do some coffee and lunch on state street while I wait for alex's girlfriend to finish her last class before I take them with me to Chicago. Reason being: they can't drive to Chicago because they don't have a car. This plan is a lot better than the original plan that my mom came up with. I was supposed to pick up Carrie in Madison, drive to Union Station, during rush hour on a friday, and then go pick my mom up at the O'Hate (i mean O'Hare) airport, during rush hour once again, and then drive to the western suburbs of Chicago to the hotel. Summed up: I was supposed to make a sucide run, and if I made it without killing myself or anyone else involved, I get to go straight to heaven. Now i just pick them up in Madison, and go to the western suburbs. Much better.

I thought it would be a great time to finally put up some of the pictures from this last weekend. The picture to the right is what I did with all of the diet pepsi that Carmen's boyfriend Matt gave me. I originally put it all in a giant tub that phil had bought for putting kegs in. Well, this weekend he wanted to use it, so into the washing machine it went. :D

Of course, since Kerry put this pic on her website, I have to put it on mine as well. The story behind it - I saw Kris' pink socks on my floor (gosh that sounds dirty), and decided that I needed to wear them! I know I look terribly hot, and the women want me even more. I get the feeling Kris is going to need to beat them off with a broken aluminum bat. ;)

Now the next few pics are for Mike. He asked Nate to tell me that everyone should vote on if my new hairstyle is better than my old one. I kinda like the new one myself, but I'll bite and ask the question to the general public. I guess this could also be a way to let Nate post after he missed my passing the buck blog, because he had a lot to complain about. So here's the two pictues (the one of my new hair cut I hate, by the way, but it's all I got).



OLD ------->

So what do ya'll think?

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading, and goodnight.
Otto III

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Homecomming Weekend

I had a lot of fun this weekend over homecomming. Kris came down, YAY!, and was here really early. Of course, I didn't even know she was comming until thursday night at 9:45 pm, so I was just happy to know she was comming. I took Kris to Uno's on friday night, and Nate joined us. We then went to the Perfect Pint to meet up with a bunch of music geeks and hang out until something like 1 am. It was awesome.

Yesterday we went to the football game, of course they lost, and went to eat at the China Buffet since Tricia and Mike were down for the weekend. A few hours later, after going to the "M" lighting, and hanging out at the Pint again, Kris and I came back to bear witness to another house party that Phil decided to throw. I'm really hoping that we dont have one for a long time, or at least a while. I like having people over, but it would be nice to show Kris that we dont always just have house parties on the weekends and drink heavy. We really don't. I do have some pics to share from the weekend however, but another night perhaps. I'm, apparently, retarded right now, and can't get the pics to be in the right spot, or move them there.

I'll try to post later this week, but I have 3 tests this week. Two wednesday, and one thursday. Wish me luck.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
Otto III