Thursday, October 28, 2004


yeah, it was an alright day, didnt get too much acomplished in the way of learning, but i enjoyed a sorta "off" day. you need those every now and again. at least i learned that i only need to take 12 credits a semester until i graduate if i take classes the next 3 winterims. something tells me to do it. Another point of interest for ya'll.....i've decided that i'm not going to do a study abroad next fall. After much deliberation and research, i simply dont want to do it anymore. $$'s and time comflicts were the biggest probs that i was running into. So knowing all that, everyone better be rejoicefull and buy me a lot o' crap now to shwo how much they love me. ;)

But anywho, i'm off to a geotech lac group meeting! if you're bored go to Kerry's website: it's always a good time there :)

one last "wednesday" post

Well, its that time for beddy bye, and i wont let the bed bugs bite. One baseball curse ahs finally been lifted, Go Red Sox! Next year is so the Cubs year. If not, i'll cry forever :'-(. Oh yeah, i hung out with veronika tonight since we were both in a kinda "meh" mood. anyone know what i'm talking about? i'm sure ya'll do.

I so cant forget to see my advisor tomorrow though. so need to get my stupid PIN from him so i can register next week. at least i wont have to worry about if my classes are going to fill up before i register, no one else is gonna be crazy enough to take Adv. Enviro Eng, Hydrology, Solid and Haz. Waste, and Statistical Methods w/ Apps. (Math 403). yeah those are definatley all 400+ level classes. so my brain's going to cry next semester.....*sniffle*

goodnight, and thanks for listening :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

its hump day again ;)

Wow, i'm back after a long break (only a few days but whateva).

I get to go to madison this weekend! YAY! so much drunken fun. I'm gonna be Wheeler from Captain Planet (the guy who has the fire ring). So i get to get to say fire a lot this weekend when i'm drunk, and depending on the ammount of hot girls around me i may decided to follow it with the word crotch. hehehe *devilish laugh* i'm a dirty dirty boy, but so single. thats the winning combination.

Oh here's a random comment from phil: this morning he tells me that he's glad that his mouth works in the morning becuase he has a million stupid things to say. Example: what he told me. Wow phil, that was awesome, thats why we love each other so much....hehe *hugs* It's alright, if my mouth worked at 7:00 am, i'd be saying the same things.

and the only other thing that i can think of is that Andy, Shepson1 and I are going to turn the atrium in the engineering building into a tropical paradise since engineering hurts our brains so much.

Monday, October 25, 2004

early morning

sorry about no weekend posts, i'm really tired, i'll tell you about my weekend later i hope