Saturday, October 23, 2004

how was the friday?

If you dare ask the was good for the most part. My "date" with Heather went fairly well, but there isnt really much there. I can see myself being friends with her, but after haning out with her tonight, i wasnt too excited about trying to date her, but this was the first time we really did anything even as friends, so i'm just gonna keep punching away at hangin' out and see what happens. The event we went to tonight was very fun though! The complete works of Shakespere abridged. HILARIOUS!

On a side note: when i got back from my date, i made the worlds best tequilla sunrise. that is all folks. goodnight.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Today was not my day

Yeah, i was not all there today. See i didnt have class until 3, and that was a lab that i had done already. I didnt have to think today and thats what my brain did. Example: I ran into the door in the music lounge that leads to the music lockers. yeah that was awesome as hell! i thought i'd hit the door handle, but no! I didnt! smack! hehe. At quartet practice, i was so not able to pay attention to what the group wanted to do. and the last thing i did today, my geotech lab group. had so many hilarious quotes that i had to share them with you:

"We have come to a conclusion: I suck. We are making progress." - Me

"I want another exam so that I can fail it." - Shepson1

"You've gotta go for at least a 3.7%...otherwise it isnt worth the effort." - Shepson1 in response that i should go for a 3% on my next geo exam

"Crank up the awesome!" - Me

"That should be a techno song." - Shepson1 in response

The other bonus from geotech group, we came up with scientific analysis of the awesome and suck levels in life!

so yeah, now i need to start working on the Heather situation. See, when i asked her to dinner and a movie friday, she didnt realize i was asking her out. Plus, and this made me laugh, i'm not the only guy with my eyes on her, just my luck. I know the guy who's also interested in her, and he's a cool guy, but as much as i like him, Heather is a girl (nuff said). Downside to me waiting to do anything, i aint gonna get a date with Heather (i'm not that stupid). I'm hoping that she gets back from her bickride soon so i can talk to her tonight and make my move. i'll let ya know what happens....pray for me!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Wednesday is hump day

Hey peeps...sorry that i didnt post was a long busy day, that and the red sox won the ball game so i was happy.

So, what happened to me the last two days you might asK? well lots of stuff i might say. a crap-load of hw done and didnt get molested by phil, which is an amazing accomplishment some days. Oh! I asked Heather (a girl from 2 South in my res hall) if she's be interested in like say dinner and a movie this weekend and she so totally said yes! The world is restoring to its rightful order, newman scares people away and girls like me again. Compared to the wierd opposite that was occuring at the beginign of the school year, which was more than a little odd. *jumps like a little school girl* only problem that i can see with Heather is that when i talked to her roomate today, i was hoping to find Heather....well lets just say that the roomie said that she thought that Heather wasnt really looking for a boyfriend. Oh well, i'm still trying, no one can resist this sexy man machine right? I know phil can't, but thats phil, and he's a boy, not a girl. Otto only dates girls. they have an inny, not an outy.

oooo! ooooo!!! i just remembered! I dont have class until 3 pm tomorrow! YAY! thank god for my geotech prof going to baltimore with the ASCE officers for the weekend. I can sleep in until i cant sleep anymore, which could be a long time :). oh well, just plannin on watching the two ball games tonight while i do homework. hopefully heather will stop down and say hi and let me know what's up with her sched, i'll keep ya posted if anything cool happens. ps - i know something will....come on this is 120 hugunin's never boring here. trust me


ps - thanks mel for use of the compy. you are the hottest person i know!!! :)

Monday, October 18, 2004

oh thats right! its monday

Yeah, i said it. its moday.....grrr, everyone is either so tired or wacky here today. Sorta weird. I dunno know though peeps, it was one of those days for me. you know its gonna be kinda different when you wake up to your roomies alarm and say, "awww hells no i aint wakin' up yet!" well, that and light hurts your eyes beyond the description of words. Oh! I almost fell asleep in my 8 am class again, they really need to not have 8 am classes on mondays.

side note...ryan just came in here as i was typing and listening to music and asked for help with his calc II homework, except i didnt hear what he said when he talked due to the music, so it sounded like the voice of god trying to get my attention....freaky? yes

ok back to what i was talking about.....hmm, no that subject was over, but wiener (aka period face), was funny as hell today at lunch. i almost died laughing, no jive. and i swore to god that i had something funny to put up here on the blog from earlier that involved a conversation with shepson1, but now i dont remember. i'd better start writing that stuff down.

And now for todays dictionary word! (ps - if you want me to define new words, lemme know)
Rejard (n.) - someone who is acting stupid without the excuss of a mental handicap....aka me!