Friday, April 28, 2006

Procrastinating again

I was going to work on my enviro law paper while working at the box office tonight, but that is definatley not happening. I instead also decided to start chatting with tami. She did mention one or two things that have really perked my curiosity. Maybe I am imagining things, but maybe not. Fun times.

I got a phone call last night at 9:30 pm from Stanley Consultants in the Quad Cities area. I had sent them a resume, but didn't expect a call about anything. I was wrong when I was having a job interview on the phone. I dont know if they'll offer me anything, but I would definatley consider it if the offer was good enough. It sounds like I would be doing a lot of design work, which I've been looking at getting into.

Today was also funny because Matt N, Nate, and I were talking before quartet and decided that we very well may have a mutiny on our hands monday on symphonietta tour. we're supposed to leave for Oregon HS at 5:15 am, and it only takes an hour to drive there. We arent supposed to play until 8 am though! Now, I've grown to expect crazy crap like this, but most people haven't. I fully expect to see many angry faces at Benjamin, especally when he starts to puch us even further. I think I better bring my camera to document the time. If I don't, theres a good chance that this opportunity may be missed as the group throws him into a lake.

nothing esle that I can think of tonight other than I have to go and try this new bar in P-Vegas now. It's called the ticket and is supposedly smoke free and cheaper than the Pint.

I also saw this quote on Collie's facebook and decided it was a good one to put here:
"There is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of the unequal." - Annonymus

Good Night and Good Luck.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another week, another dollar? I wish

It's been a fun, busy, and interesting week. I went home last friday for the evening and came back on saturday early afternoon to see Kris. It was quite funny to show up at the bar and see her quite intoxicated. She claims that she wasnt drunk, but I dont know if she's 100% sure about that ;).

I did decide to turn down both of my previous job offers though. Both, afterall, were for 6 months which required me to back up graduation. I didn't want to do that. I did get offered a position here in Platteville on the Pioneer Farm doing researh into stormwater runoff and what contaminates and particles are in it during peak flows. It could be interesting, but there is the chance that I won't have constant data to collect and analyze, so I may have to do some maintenace on the equipment as well as some "general" farm work. It isn't really the typicall farm work that I've become acoustomed to, but it would be close. I may have to maintain a fence, or look at some new or different ways they could run their operation. I'm sure that there are more duties that will come with the job. I am waiting to see if I get any other offers before I commit since there is the possibility that I may get offers in Dubuque, Platteville, and Rochester still. We shall see which one I choose.

The Symphonietta tour is comming up next week with stops in Madison and the LaCrosse area. I am not exactly thrilled at the 4:45 bus loading time on monday morning, nor am I thrilled with the way Benjamin is running some things, but this is why I am no longer an officer. There is no reasoning with that man, so I'm just going to do what I'm told to make the painful parts of the trip not suck so much. Trust me I will tell Benjamin how much of an idiot he is being with somethings. It would be foolish not to.

Good Night and Good Luck,
-Otto III