Tuesday, May 17, 2005

day 2 of work

So the past two days of work have come and gone. Yesterday was very tiresome and trying like most first days usually are. My feet though, were just killing me. I had to break in a new pair of steel toe boots and wow was that rough. Otherwise, i was just out surveying where tee boxes and greens for a new golf course are going to go.

Today however was much more fun. I worked with one guy that I know from school and a really cool crew cheif. The first place that we went to was interesting because the construction crew was entirely made up of ex-convicts. The forman was named "Slasher" because he slit a guys throught in jail and his main man was named "Biscut." Didnt figure that one out. The rest of the day we did staking in an area where more development will be taking place. Boring, but at least my feet didnt hurt so bad.

So the Carmina Quartet is comming into town on friday afternoon and we are for sure having a concert on Sat May 21, at First Congregational Church in Winona at 3:00 pm. You all need to be there so show to support us, if not donate money. Now i just need to figure out what we're going to do during the weekend when we're not practicing/performing. That leaves friday night and saturday night. any suggestions people? I have some ideas, but want to see what things i might be missing.

Heart Otto

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Work starts tomorrow

So after I got to work my butt off here at home, I get to work my butt off in Rochester from 7-4or5ish. YAY! :'( cant type too much tonight since I need to wake up at 5:20 am...ewwwwww. otherwise, things are good. Kerry's campout was a lot of fun, last night however i was dying from a horrible cold/flu that i caught from somewhere. wow, i went to bed at 8:30 and woke up a 9. i'm still tired from it.

On a sad note, my instrument in making a buzzing noise whenever I play on the C (well, most of the time). grrrr. not a good thing.

Heart Otto