Saturday, November 06, 2004

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

hehe....i like the title. Makes me laugh everytime i read it.

So yeah, I havent posted in a few days I've got some catching up to do. Thursday, Kerry and I made it all the way to San Antonio before we decided that we need to get our "groove" on. ;) so we checked into some cheapo motel got it on 4 times (we have some stamina, what can i say?) and got some well deserve rest. Today we made it to Mexico! YAY! that tequilla? awesome. more mexico posts as our adventures continue.

so what really happened? Slept in, registered, saw the presidents press conference, some classes and didnt get to eat until 10 pm that night. I was so gonna eat at 8, but thats when i realized that I needed to be at the engineering building at 8:30, not giving me enough time to eat at the student center. So I decided to forgo eating until i was done with the lab group. that was really late, oh well. such is my life sometimes.

Phil and I found THE house that we're going to be living in next year though. Its so so nice! 4 bedrooms, 1.5 bath and big rooms ovedrall. New windows, carpeting, and some insulation were put in last April so the utilities will be down too....all for $300 a month! so awesome! Otto now has an awesome bachelor pad, and right now we have the four people required to fill it, Phil, Marcus, Erik and I.

Today, well....i think i passed my fluids exam. I dont know though, too hard to tell. I would also like to say that homework assignments are also made a hell of a lot easier when profs do the problems in class. :) tonight? well, v'ka and I had a few drink and started walking to a party, and halfway there decided that we didnt want to go anymore, so turned around and decided to start watching the second matrix movie while i ate some ramen. good stuff. I did talk to her and her roomate melissa about a girl that i'm starting to have an interest in that's right next door to them. Becky is her name. Nice girl too. I'll keep you posted. The only downside to this thing though is that I cannot ask her to do anything with me on a weekend until the second weekend of december. I'm busy next weekend when i go to see emmie and be her date in waterloo, the next weekend i go to see Ann in Des Moines, we rescheduled this weekend, then its thanksgiving, followed by the holiday gala for me. so yeah, that makes it the second week in december. Oh well. Lots of time to try and get to know her better before i can actually do something with her.

You should have heard me earlier though, specificall after orchestra at 5. I was bitching the whole time about the fact that I had no plans and that i knew of nothing that was going on :(. I felt so terrible for not having any social plans. At least something happened tongiht.

But i need to get going, veronika is falling asleep on the futon and I should keep her awake or make her go back to her room. adios amigos!

ps - question for the day: If Robing Hood takes from the rich and give to the poor...then wouldn't that make the rich the poor and the poor the rich and then he would have to steal from the rich (who were poor at first) and give to the poor (who were the rich at first) ok anyone else seeing a pattern here?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

Wednesday is hump day ;) ...just thought i'd say that to ya'll.

So yeah....Bush won the election, so i'm going to run away to mexico w/ Ms. Kerry K. I'd like to go to Canada instead, but she seems to have her heart set on going to Mexico. I think I need to talk to her. Canada isnt as dirty.

So yeah, I need to post something for my friend Ann since her roomie made us get off the phone! JEES! There we are bonding on the phone, and her roomate says that she's going to sleep. so ann has to get off the phone. Just a reminder, this is the girl that my mom wants me to marry ;). How am I supposed to get on that if I can't talk to her for more than like 32 min (not to be too exact).

Another note that i'd like to bring out is that Derek is funny as hell. For example: "Jesus was so a Pimp," or "WWBD - What Would Bitches Do." I hardly agree with whatever this dude says, but he says it some of the most hilarious ways/times. Like tonight when we're all hanging out in the hallway.

I get to register tomorrow morning at 11! GO ME! screw ya'll that give me the finger for getting to register before you. I've paid my dues with at least 17 credits a semester, more often than not, its been 18.

ps - I hope you like the title of this blog, i do

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Voting Day!

Come on John Kerry! Win! 207-199 isnt winning!

sorry, i know i'm biased, but i cannot live in this country with Bush as President for another 4 years. I will die before that happens. oh well....its out of my hands. Too close to call...

Phil and I are moving along on the whole moving off campus dealy....We asked marcus to join us for a tour of a house on thursday at 5 pm....hopefully this one will work out for us. Phil and I do need to tell ryan that we arent going to live with him off campus anymore. We like the man, but we dont think that it would work out with him. If you knew him, you'd understand.

Sorry, no other important thoughts today.....i had too much class again so i'll talk to ya'll tomorrow.

Monday, November 01, 2004

monday monday

sup everyone? hope the day is treatin ya'll well....

not too much to report here other thani feel like a total idiot since i cannot understand my thermodynamics homework, but you know, that will happen occasionally.

other than that, i'm going to hope that Kerry's doing ok, she had a relative pass away. *hugs Kerry*

It's sunday again?!? damn

Hola Amigos! It's sunday again.....and i dont want to go to class again tomorrow morning at hiss!

I'm sorta in a meh mood right now. It was an alrighty weekend i'd say, but could have been better. Madison was aweome on friday night. I'll defineatley want to go back for Halloween next year! props to Nicole and her roomates. they were awesome. I just hope that they weren't mad at me for not being able to get back there on saturday after my SUFAC meeting. why you might ask? my car is dumbtarded is what i'd say. the service engine soon light and a pinging sound from the engine cant be good right? well, i'll find out what the mechanic says on monday morning.

I had an alright evening saturday though. Watched a movie with Carmen and V'ka, had a few drinks, and just hung out in general. Josh and mel came down, and coutney and jasmine swung by too. i enjoyed the whole having a lot of girls and just me in the room. ;) but i be a single college male, what would you expect of me?

Finally, today was not too bad, too much quartet practice w/ Benjamin though. I love the man to death, but we spent too much time with him, i was getting tired of it. oh well, at least i got a good deal of homework done after it was over.

Well, it's time to get to bed.....any ?'s about the details from the weekend? just ask and thou shall recieve.

Good night ya'll