Saturday, September 17, 2005

long weekend ahead

Well folks, after a long week, one in which things started to get moving a little bit more....I'm going to Amery tomorrow to play in a wedding. I wont be back until sunday night....dont miss me too much.

A lot happened this week. Some things I'm not allowed to mention yet to make life easier for someone back in winona, but those things and everything else were cool. I got to talk to several friends a lot this week that I hadnt initially expected to. I have decided that my Bodyworks for musicians class is a total waste of my time though. Nothing in it is worth taking notes on. My only notes today were, "Nate is amazing." thats the only thing that happened in that class. Oh well....easy A right?

Anyway, I need some sleep. I'll tell everyone about the week/weekend later.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
Otto III

Monday, September 12, 2005

Hot or not?

Well....Since Carmen and Nate decided that I needed to have my picture on Hot or Not, and I dont have time to post anything else, everyone should go rate me and give me a great score! ;)

That's all for today.
Otto III

Sunday, September 11, 2005

saturday's events

Quickly before I go to bed....

Today we got up insanely early and went to State St. in Madison to play at the farmers market and try to make some money. think we did a pretty good job. This evening Nate, Carmen, and I went over to Nate's house to start working on our quartet website. Sarah called me too to see what we were doing and she came over, and then we promptly watched a movie. Office Space was the name of the game. Great time. Then we went to the Perfect Pint, had a drink, and now I'm home. Time for bed everyone....more tomorrow hopefully. I just have a ton to do tomorrow.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
Otto III