Saturday, November 27, 2004

thanksgiving updates

Well, its been fun and not so fun at various times so far this break.

Where should I start? well, to make it simple for my simple mind, i'll start where i left off last time. After I woke up on thanksgiving, the relatives started showing up and being there usual crazy selves. It was quite enjoyable for the most part, except the parts where I could obviously tell my mom was being grumpy as all holy hell with alex, but what cha gonna do? I figured whatever, i'm here to enjoy the weekend, not watch mom and the brother be ornry. Alex, however, was really into going outside and playing some tackle football. He must have been really trying to show off to big brother since everytime he hit me, especially the first time, he was hitting me with everything he could muster. Wow, the first one gave me a little bit of a headache, but i knew exactly what he was up to. I just kept playing and getting back up. I wore him down eventually, and trust me, i got him back just as many times as he got me. I think it was capitalized when one play started. I was trying to hit him in the shoulders to slow him down at the line of scrimmage, since he is fast than I, but not stronger. Instead of hitting his shoulders though, i definatley got him right in the face with both hands. He was definatley down for the count on that play:). I RULE!

I got to stuff my face with more food than should ever be eaten in one sitting too. My mom made i think the best turkey ever this year. Oh man did 23 lbs of turkey ever taste so good. Afterwards, yeah alex was totally, "lets play some more football." god damn its hard to run with an overstuffed turkey fill stomach. Then, this shows how weird my family can be sometimes, we went bowling! BOWLING! I did do good for once actually. 103, 105, and 116! three of the best games in my life. Yah, i know i suck at bowling.

Last but not least, I went over to Emily's house to hang with Emily (duh), Lee, Kerry, and Karl. Apparently the guys were hanging out at Ebo's house, but Ed definatley told me that they were going to only be playing video games all night long. Now I can appreciate a good video game every now and again, but usually alchohol needs to be involved for me to want to play it for a long time. I definatley past that phase in my life. Most of my friends are not. Grrr...... They were apparently a little steamed at me on wednesday night for not showing up at Jeff's for more of the same thing. Well, I was hanging out with the girls until 1 am ish, they are girls after all :). All i have to say is let them be a little pissed. I'd go to hang with them more often if we did something not invloving a TV all the time. Thats my only complaint about them, otherwise, they're totally awesome. Just a little immature. But back to hanging out with Emily and the girls. We didnt do to much actually. Everyone else besides me was either sick or getting sick. how sad *cries*. mostly some chillin and catching up on whats going on in Lee's life since I havent seen her in forever. Lee did say that she would be my "girlfriend" and "sidekick" so that i wasnt so lonley sometimes. awww, what a good friend. so we all left at about midnight, which is still kinda early for a college student, but i do need beauty sleep every now and again. I cant keep this sexy bod up with no sleep.

Today just did not start off on the right foot. Here's the bakground info: last night at the bowling alley, Alex asked if I would be willing to take him to Jam with his so-called band on friday. I said, " depends on my schedule." well, when I come down the stairs, I hear alex say on the phone, "i'll be leaving soon 'cause Otto will be taking me in." EXCUSE ME?!? what did you just say? i never said that i was for sure taking him in at all! I would've definatley appreciated some sort of question along the lines of, "Otto, can you take me into jam now?" Things did work out as my mom put the lid on him going really quick when she got back since she changed her mind from last night. Thank god I told alex that I wanted to talk to mom before I left to go to take him anywhere. So another point of interest to mention though is that before i even knew that mom had told alex he wasnt going into winona. I asked mom if she wanted me to take alex into winona in what I thought was a nice manner. She however responds to me in one of the most pissed of tones i've ever heard come out of her mouth. I'm thinking, what the hell did i do? I just asked if i should take him in or not since i had to run to the back anyway. He did eventually go into winona with me when I went to the bank, but he needed to pick up his work check, but I was still in a grumpy ass mood until tonight. Maybe its a good thing that I didnt go out tonight, I just was simply not in any sort of good mood.

Finally, I watched some TV tonight. It was on Tom Brokaws 38 years on the air. Very good show on the history of that time. But i need to get to sleep children, I have to get up to go to the cities tomorrow. I'm getting fitted for a tux at 12:30 for my friend Adam's wedding next June, having birthday lunch with mom, alex, and Uncle Gary's family, and going to see the Prarie Home Companion at the Fitzgerald Theatre in downtown St. Paul. It should be lots of fun! talk to everyone later.

Heart, Otto

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Turkey Day!

Well....since it is actuallu thanksgiving now, Happy turkey day everyone!

I've had a fun day thanks to all the groupies ehre in winona. Sorry to those that I didnt get to see tonight since I was in winona, and they were in Rollingstone. Yes I mnow, I'm from Rollingstone so being there would be "easier," but that means I'd have to ditch Emily, Kerry, Karl, and Tracie, of all of whom, minus Emily, I have seen about negative two times this semester. Soo, I'll see Jeff, Rory, Sean, Lee, Ebo and all the rest of them on friday or saturday night. Dont know about saturday though. I definatley have what you call family plans in the Twin Cities until like 7, aka I wont be back until 9 pm and I'm supposed to hang out with Ann Coron, you know, the girl that my mom wants me to hook up with even though it wouldnt work due to distance constraints? Whatever, I'll figure it out. Goodnight everyone! eat lots.

and since Shepson1 might find this memory more than a bit funny, here's an equation that I came up with while doing a Fluids homework assignment:

P = (I Hate You)/(Get Shot in the Face)

Now there is no derivation for that formula yet, but i'm working on it. It basically sums up all the anger towards that class on given days of the week, and depending on the homework load.

Heart, Otto

Monday, November 22, 2004

*singing* Come on and ride the short week!


I decided that i need to post sometime before turkey day. everyone in the world might miss me too much. I have an anouncement for all the groupies in winona: Expect me at about 5-5:30ish. that gives kerry about 15 min to "get home from work, strip naked and meet me in bed." Well, maybe her and I will meet anyone else who's interested in meeting me at the acoustic cafe for dinner at that time instead. ;)

I have my 11 am class on wednesday "cancelled" though. That is cool. It is only cancelled in the fact that when the prof asked how many people were planning on comming to class on wednesday and no one raised their hands, he calmly said, "ok, everyone will be conveniently stuck in traffic on wednesday at 11. Now do we agree that we didnt have this conversation?" Ahhh....I love it when profs try to cover their non-tenured butts. So amusing.

Mexico Update!

Well.....Kerry's getting her wish. I'm going to take her to Uxmal and Chichen Itza (ish). She's been really nice about the fact that we've spent the last week almost here in Baja California area. I love it here, but the locals are getting annoyed with my red hair being so damn sexy. Well, its more like that they cant keep wanting to touch it in hopes of getting some good luck since they see that Kerry and I seem to be so happy being away, little do they know what happens after the sun goes down that recharges us ;). Since i seriously dont know which place of the two that we're driving to is closer, i'm just gonna put the pedal to the metal and tell kerry to not mess up directions. Once again though, does anyone have any sugggestions for where we should go in mexico next? I'm opening the polls up.

Heart, Otto