Sunday, November 12, 2006


I don't really know what to put up here tonight because it has been so long since I've put anything up on my blog. If I tried to put everything up, I'd be here for a very long time, and I know that no one would read it. So I'll just talk about what' s been going just recently.

Mid semester has come and passed, as it always does. A few exams here and there. Some of the results are not as good as others. I've been to Winona a lot the past few weeks as well. I always find it interesting to see that no one has really changed back at home. Most of them are still doing the same thing. A few have changed, and a few want to change, but they can't seem to do so at this moment. Maybe it'll happen soon. I still do want to go back there becuase I miss it from time to time. Usually I'm too busy to think about it however, and I just have to live in the moment while hoping to try and live in the future. Did that make any sense? I don't know.

I did see man of the year friday evening. It was quite fun to see, and I would recommend seeing it to others if you are in the mood for a good laugh. I do really like the Lewis Black and Robin Williams conversations. Quite funny.

I am really looking forward to next semester, by the way. I'll only have 15 credits, much lower than what I've gotten used to for the last 4.5 years here. I'll have my senior design class which will make it feel like I have 21 credits for a while though. The list of classes reads like this though: Microbiology, Physical Geology, Piano Tech, Hist and Lit of Western Music III, Symphonietta, and Senior Design. I could have thrown in a 3 credit gen ed, but I decided that I wanted to take it over winterim (J-term for some of you wierd people) and make the last semester as easy as possible.

Lastly for tonight: There will be a "whos line is it anyway" the friday of thanksgiving weekend if anyone is interested and will be in winona.

Good Night and Good Luck,