Thursday, April 14, 2005

bored and have spring fever

Once again, I'm in Cecil killing time, trying to no go insane. I dont know if i have anymore homework, and as I think about it, I am pretty sure I dont, but I wont be surprised if I think of something tonight at like midnight. damn me and me brain!

So Kerry, from TOK fame, wanted to know why my msn name was, "mehhhh, mehhh, boob" - phil, or something of that sort. Well, yesterday, marcus had stopped by to say hi to me and phil since he was right next door studying modern physics or something that is too difficult to be worth anything, but somehow he gets an orgasm from it. Anyway, we were sitting in the room, well more like standing, and phil made some sort of funny comment and was waiting for marcus to give him a high five, except that marcus didnt see phil waiting for him so after about a minute, phil started making noise and patted marcus on the boob. hilariously funny at the time, a little gay? yes. but thats the way things are here. Phil also at some point tried to grab marcus' boob again, and marcus just knocked phil's hand out of the way without missing a beat. That tells me that Marcus wont hav any problems with the gay comments that phil and I will throw at him. hehe. good times to ensue.

Sorry if that wasnt as long as you'd been expecting smiley, but i was just too damn lazy to type all of that last night when you asked.

On that note, i'm going to go frolic outside in the gorgeous weather naked, i mean make some phone calls about the benefit concert for my quartet in winona on May 21. yeah, thats it. hehe. ok BYE!

Heart Otto

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Pink Floyd comment

So Nate and Newman have gotten me to listen to Pink Floyd for the first time. I've listened to them before, but not really. I only knew one song before hand, "Money." Now my favorite is "Another Brick In The Wall (part I)."

damn good stuff.

Heart Otto

Daddy's flown across the ocean.
Leaving just a memory.
A snap shot in the family album.
Daddy what else did you leave for me?
Daddy what d'ya leave behind for me?!?
All in all it was all just a brick in the wall.
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

sitting in senior design lab

So i'm sitting here in the civil engineering senior deisgn lab "working" on my hydrology homework. actually it's more like i'm working on "procrastination 101."

So phil is the coolest. it is now official. This morning, he had the choice between 2 different umbrellas, one that worked and one that didnt. he chose to take the one that didnt work because the other one was supposedly too big and bulky. well, lets just say that it didnt work all that well. it was more like an awning than an umbrella. hehe. he was soaking by the time he got to class.

I also had to total blast in Solid/Haz waste today too *sarcastic laugh*. So i get there and Dr. Penn decides that he wants to have a pop quiz on what was discussed in class on thursday of last week. I wasnt there since I was with Benjamin in madison recruiting for the school. so I definatley got a solid 25% on that quiz. WOOT!

ok, time to get back to the homework.

heart Otto

Sunday, April 10, 2005


I got a sunburn yesterday from working on my car and damn does it still hurt. not cool. somehow its even making my elbows hurt, why?!? grrrr. See my car needed to be worked on, but i never thought, "i should wear some sunscreen" since i burn so easily. oh well, lesson learned.

In other news, my friend sarah, who i was supposed to take out on a date friday night is going to get back sometime today (i didnt take her out because she needed to go back home at the last minute for a funeral). so i'm more than kinda hoping that she's able to eat at about 6 pm tonight, since thats the only hour this evening that i can really see anyone.