Saturday, January 21, 2006

The adventures of friday night and so on.....

Yes, last night was a blast. Many a drunk phone calls were made by my friends and I even recieved one from an old friend's girlfriend at 3:40 am. So Nate, Carmen, and I went down to the pint for dinner at 6:30 in the snow. It was a great time and Ramiro meet us down there at 8. We ended up having a few drinks (about 1 per hour) and decided that it was time to go. After we debated with the manager that we were charged for an extra drink, three guys at the bar decided that they wanted to buy us all a round, and eventually it turned into more than several. Let's just say that Nate, Carmen and Ramiro were pretty well intoxicated and starting to want to leave because they didnt want to drink more and end up in the bathroom worshiping the porcelin god. So where do we go? my place. What do they do? Make a ton of noise that about 8 people could have made. So then we start calling people up while they try and sober themselves up before I take everyone home. Next thing I know, I have a few people downtown asking me to pick them up so that they can see everyone at my house and some other just end up driving over and hanging out. This is why all of a sudden, I have 8 people in my living room.I feel sorry for Phil and Nicole who were sleeping right above us, or at least trying to sleep. It wasn't all bad though. Nate got a date, I got to talk to Kris after I had taken everyone home, and nobody had to use the bathroom for reasons due to drinking.

Besides that, things I think have been going well. I miss the gf (143!), but if i didnt, there would be something wrong in the relationship. I also got a phone call from Benjamin at work yesterday. Man, can he pile more and more work on. At least I know that I'll be earning some money, and I finally have things organized here at the house. That's all of the interesting things that have been going on really. It's just P-Vegas in the end and school hasn't started.

God Bless...
Otto III

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back in P-Vegas

So yes, I made it back safe and soundly. I've also slowly been getting things back in line, as well as slowly getting to 100% after my stupud flu. It takes a while to organize stuff, and I had a lot of stuff that I brought back with me.

I've mostly been working in the music library this week once I got into town. It's been interesting working in a small room again and not in a giant warehouse or outdoors like I'm used to when I'm home. At least I get to talk to Belinda all day. There's good conversation, and a companion that can share the pain known as dealing with Benjamin's crazyness, even if she doesnt do anything other than stamp music all day. Literally, this is what I hear..*stamp* *stamp* *stamp*..."man, I ran out of ink again!" yep really exciting times in the music library. Benjamin hasn't been around to harrass me though. It's been a blessing and a sin at the same time. I've been able to get everything from last semester done without him asking me questions that I can't even comprehend, but at the same time I also could have used him when I finished all of the work from last semester and was ready to start things for this semester. Instead, I needed to call him and go rumaging in his office for what he told me to copy. For those of you that don't know. Benjamin isn't exactly organized. So it was like looking for a needle in the Sahara Desert. yay fun.

I was doing some of that "house cleaning" that I mentioned earlier and was thinking about this semester at the same time. I guess I realized that I'm excited for the semester to start. I have 18 credits again, because I'm suicidal, but that's what's almost expected of me. hehe. I have Hist and Lit of Western Music I, which I've heard is hard, but I really like hard classes, Theory/Arural Skills I, an easy class for me, Piano Tech I, Environmental Law, Land Development and Planning, and Intermediate Conducting in addition to my usual orchestra, lessons, and quartet stuff. I'm looking forward to the Enviro Law class too. It's unfortunatley taught in the evening though (I dont like evening classes). In addition to this however, I'm also adding the task of trying to stay in contact with all of my friends more. i did a poor job of that last semester, and need to improve that part of my life. Friends are very important to me.

Lastly, I've only been gone just over a day and a half, and I already want to go back and see Kris. That will be the one thing that makes this semester seem long. But I'm off to read "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. I've heard its a great book and mother gave it to me for christmas.

That's the news from Platteville. Thanks for reading.
-Otto III