Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I like sleep

Ok everyone, I shall post. Now you all the know that the all mighty and powerful Otto (oot oot to those in winona) has returned.

Things have been busy as usual, but who doesn't have a busy schedule nowadays? I can't think of anyone off hand. What have I been up to you might ask? Well...I'm glad that you did, the paralysis that I was about to suffer has now passed and I am feeling well. I've been practicing, working, classes, and trying to keep up on homework. So far I can say that I have been successful. I did start looking at my schedule(s) for next fall and spring and I happened to find a class conflict that I didn't know existed between engineering geology and microbiology. This information did not reach me in such a way as to make my mood become jubilent either, instead I became dissappointed that that could not be easily done. This could possibly affect my plans that I had for next year. Those plans get really complicated, so I won't explain them here. Ask me in person, IM, or on the phone sometime and I'll tell you more.

In other news, the Carmina Quartet recording is comming along. We're close, but in need of about 3-4 more hours of time to put into recording the CD, then editing and mastering it before next week friday (march 10).

I am also a giant dork. Why? I am currently trying to pirate a copy of AutoCAD 2005 for me to use personally on my own computer. I am truly an engineering geek. I, however, really like sleep and need some right now.

Goodnight and thanks for reading-
Otto III